1 December, 2009Shipbuilding industry needs an even keel in trade.
VIETNAM: The International Metalworkers' Federation's Shipbuilding Action Group met in Hanoi on November 11 and 12 to develop a global strategy for the shipbuilding industry in light of the current global economic and financial crisis. Unions from two regions took part in the meeting and considered a wide range of issues currently impacting on the global industry.
The unions present recommitted themselves to playing an active role in trying to stop the industry from falling into a situation of overcapacity and unfair trade practices such as subsidies. The Shipbuilding Action Group agreed to continue to develop a global response to the problems faced by workers in the industry by developing a union position on both overcapacity and unfair trade.
Rob Johnston IMF Executive Director commented that, "workers have so far been the victims of the economic crisis and it now falls on our shoulders to ensure that they are not also the victims of protectionist measures that put workers in one country at a disadvantage to another country because of unfair subsidies."
"We have consistently argued that it's possible to maintain jobs in the industry, develop new technologies and skills by developing sustainable trade polices. However, this can only happen by taking a long-term view for the industry and not a short-term quick fix."
The Action Group committed to developing a policy position that can be presented to the OECD WP6 (Shipbuilding). The Shipbuilding Action Group will be carrying out a consultation process before a final paper is produced.