23 June, 2011During recent months government pressure against the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine (FTUU) and its affiliates has significantly increased. Many trade union leaders, including FTUU president Vasyl Hara, were summoned to the prosecutor's office. IMF general secretary Jyrki Raina sent a letter to the president of Ukraine Victor Yanukovich demanding an immediate stop to the interference in trade union affairs.
UKRAINE: Ukrainian unions report that the government pressure against the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine (FTUU) and its affiliates has greatly increased during recent months.
Some ministries have established special anti-union departments. On May 23 the FTUU received an order from the Prosecutor General's office to ban some issues from consideration during the Presidium meeting the next day. The FTUU also received numerous letters and orders requiring it to present information and documents within unreasonable time limits. In some cases, FTUU was ordered to present information about events that had not taken place yet. The FTUU reports that that this situation has a negative impact on the work of the federation and its affiliates.
On June 3 FTUU president Vasyl Hara was summoned to the prosecutor's office. FTUU vice presidents, leaders of some FTUU affiliates and other union officials were also summoned to the prosecutor's offices.
These actions of the Ukrainian authorities violate national laws and international standards. International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions (ICEM) have sent letters of protest to the president of Ukraine Victor Yanukovich.
On June 21 IMF general secretary Jyrki Raina also sent a letter to President Yanukovich demanding that the violations of union autonomy cease immediately.
"We are deeply concerned about this situation and call on you to stop these violations of trade union autonomy, which is guaranteed by the Ukrainian laws and international standards recognized by Ukraine," wrote Raina.
Follow the link to read the full text of the letter to the president of Ukraine Victor Yanukovich.