22 May, 2009Executive Committee members met in Gothenburg to discuss future cooperation with Global Union Federations and put forward candidates to be elected by the IMF Congress delegates on Monday.
SWEDEN: Executive Committee members of the International Metalworkers' Federation met in Gothenburg on 21 May to discuss building closer cooperation with Global Union Federations and proposed candidates to lead the IMF for the next four years.
Proposed rule changes, if adopted by Congress delegates on 25 May, will allow for the election of one or more IMF Assistant General Secretaries as well as IMF Vice-President. Elections will also be held on Monday for the position of IMF President and IMF General Secretary.
Committee members discussed concrete steps for closer cooperation and coordination with Global Union Federations and all agreed such measures should be taken up by the new IMF leadership as a priority of future work.
Three unions were unanimously approved for affiliation to the IMF: the Vietnam National Union of Workers in Industry and Trade (VUIT) with a membership of 40,597; the Metals Industry Committee of Industrial Union of Serbia (ISS) representing 7,000 members; and the Mining and metallurgy Trade Union of Kyrgyzstan (MMTUK) representing 7,200 workers.
Marcello Malentacchi, IMF general secretary, delivered the secretariat report noting the many current struggles metalworkers are engaged in as Congress opens on Sunday and the need for strengthening our solidarity efforts in defence of labour rights around the world.