19 April, 2011IMF calls on affiliates to send solidarity messages of support to the 1,200 workers represented by the National Union of Metalworkers South Africa (NUMSA) that have been subjected to a lockout by Bridgestone South Africa since 22 March 2011.
SOUTH AFRICA: An agreement was reached between NUMSA and the New Tyre Industry Employers Association in September 2010 after a month long strike. All employers agreed to the terms with the exception of Bridgestone South Africa that insisted on implementing a lower wage increase offer for workers that are 'red circled' (those who earn above the minimums in the industry).
The matter was taken to arbitration and the arbitrator found in favour of NUMSA. Bridgestone responded with a lockout at its plants affecting 1,200 'red circled' and 'non-red circled' workers in an attempt to force workers to sign acceptance letters of wage offers far lower than the increase agreed to at the industry level. As a result, hundreds of innocent workers who are not red circled and have no direct relation to the dispute are now also affected.
NUMSA views this as an attempt by Bridgestone South Africa to drive down wages and undermine the collective bargaining power of workers represented by NUMSA in the national bargaining forum.
NUMSA wants the lockout to be halted, workers to be allowed to return to work and for Bridgestone to implement the industry wide agreement reached on 28 September 2010.
Please send your letter of support to the IMF Africa regional office via fax to +27 11 492 0293 or email [email protected] . Please also send a copy to [email protected] The letter will be passed on to NUMSA and Bridgestone South Africa