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Global week of action against Vale culminates in Rio

22 April, 2010Unions demanding Justice at Vale take their message to the Brazilian State Legislative Assembly calling for an investigation into the company's unethical business practices.

BRAZIL/GLOBAL: Unions representing Vale workers around the world took action April 5-11 while in Brazil caravans of trade unionists and civil society partners journeyed towards Rio de Janeiro, stopping along the way to conduct fact finding missions in communities affected by Vale.

The actions culminated in a massive conference in Rio last week, where some 80 organizations, social movements, and unions from 13 countries attended the "First international meeting of those affected by Vale" and delivered a dossier to the Brazilian government calling for an immediate investigation into Vale's unethical business practices.

Affiliates of the International Metalworkers' Federation and the International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions (ICEM) supported the call for Justice at Vale with solidarity actions taking place at Vale operations in Europe, Indonesia, Brazil and Canada.

Vale workers on strike in Canada, represented by the United Steelworkers' (USW), participated in the caravan and conference. Rob Leveille, who was part of the USW delegation, wrote of his experience on the road.

"A common thread ran through all of the stories; while each area suffered different threats, Vale's tactics tended to be the same: sow misinformation (rumours, fake email leaks, blog postings), divide the community (promises of community centres, jobs, riches for all), wave the flag (patriotic Brazilians should support their great company, Canadian's just want to hold Brazil back), manipulate the government (local police assist Vale, politicians seldom speak out, laws bend to suit this 'client') and control the media (lots of advertising, strong communications department)."

The detailed dossier on Vale's business practices was delivered to the Rio State Assembly on the last day of the conference. The 70 page document outlines Vale's outrageous labour rights, human rights and environmental record in Brazil and abroad. Following the delivery of the dossier, around 150 of conference participants who are demanding an immediate investigation into the company, marched from the Rio de Janeiro State Legislative Assembly to the Vale world-wide HQ for a demonstration there.  These solidarity actions come just weeks before Vale's scheduled April 27 shareholders' meeting in Rio.

Workers at Vale operations in Canada have been on strike for nine months after the union refused to accept deep concessions. The company is using replacement workers to break the strike. In March, mediated talks between the union and the company broke down, the USW has filed a charge against Vale for failure to bargain in good faith.