4 March, 2010Foxconn dismisses 75 night shift workers and threatens job losses for another 300 after workers protest against being detained and forced to work extra time after midnight on February 20, 2010.

MEXICO: Taiwanese electronics manufacturer Foxconn dismissed 75 workers during the last week of February 2010 and warns of a further 300 job losses following a protest of the workers at the computer assembly plant in Juarez Santa Teresa, Mexico.
According to press reports in Mexico approximately 300 workers on night shift began protesting in response to demands from managers to work extra time after midnight, cancelling the buses that would take the workers home. A dining room and dormitories of managers were damaged during the protests by the workers who were being detained against their will.
Despite company assurances that there would not be any retaliation against the workers, the company dismissed all the workers who were on night shift, claiming that due to a cancelled contract they no longer needed the workforce.
About 70 workers protested the dismissals outside the company on February 25 and warned of strikes if the workers' rights were not respected.