23 May, 2011Russian Duma passes the bill banning precarious work in the first reading. Second and third readings are to follow.

RUSSIA: The State Duma approved the first reading of the bill "On amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation, known as the "agency labour banning bill ". The bill was introduced last autumn by members of the Russian parliament Andrey Isaev, head of the State Duma Committee on Labour and Social Policy and deputy chairman of the Federation of Independnet Trade Unions of Russia, FNPR, and Mikhail Tarasenko, chairman of the IMF-affiliated Miners' and Metallurgical Workers' Union MMWU and IMF Executive Committee member.
The bill makes a number of mutually agreed changes to the Tax and the Labour Code, the Code of Administrative Offences (CAO), the law on employment in the Russian Federation and the law on the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in Russia.
"Labour force cannot be transferred to a third party, that is when the private employment agency acts as an employer and sends employees to the company, bearing virtually no responsibility for them," said Mikhail Tarasenko.
The bill received support of both FNPR and the other trade union center Confederation of Labour of Russia, KTR.
More information about the bill - in a note published in the newspaper "Solidarnost».