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Austrian metalworkers begin negotiations for a fair pay rise

22 September, 2010PRO-GE to demand wage increases and reductions in working time in the forthcoming round of collective bargaining for 165,000 workers in the metal sector.

AUSTRIA: On September 30, IMF affiliated PRO-GE and GPA-djp will commence wage negotiations in the metal industry demanding an increase of wages and a reduction in working time.

Traditionally, the wage negotiations in the metal and mining sector set the trend for all other sectors in Austria. Rainer Wimmer, chief negotiator for the PRO-GE, is clear, "The right signal to the workers after the economic crisis is decent and fair wage and salary increases."

The first round of negotiations for about 165,000 employees in the metal sector will be held on October 14, 2010 at the Austrian Economic Chamber, in Vienna. The negotiations are expected to be tough this year, with the employers' representatives making it clear they want cheaper labour, claiming the 1.45 per cent increase negotiated in 2009 was unbearable.

During the difficult period of the economic crisis a lot of employees, especially workers in the metal industry, lost their jobs. However, there are again signs of positive developments. "Now we need to send the workers through fair wage and salary increases positive signals. We must let them partake in the profits now being generated again," said Wimmer.

The schedule for 2010 collective bargaining in the Austrian metal sector is set.  Unions will send their official demands to the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO) on September 30.  Two bargaining sessions will follow on October 14 and October 21. A final remedial session is planned for November 5.