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Turkish Metal Workers Still Locked Out by GEA

5 December, 2011

Birlesik Metal-Is, an affiliate of the International Metalworkers’ Federation, is fighting for basic trade union freedoms at German-based GEA in Gebze, Turkey. In a cynical move, local management locked out 62 workers while claiming they had conducted illegal strike action. That illegal strike action coincided with break times at the company, and separate investigations have proven that no strike action took place. The ICEM joined the growing international campaign calling for an end to the lock-out, full reinstating of four workers dismissed on 31 May, and an end to the police protection being awarded to the company in its anti-union struggle.

The company behaviour in Turkey is in breach of an international minimum standards agreement with the IMF, in which it pledges respect of labour rights throughout its international operations. The IMF reminded the company and locked out workers of this fact at the picket line, as part of a large international solidarity visit to the GEA factory gates.

ICEM was also present at the picket, and a message of solidarity was read out. See also the ICEM letter to the company here. 

Support the LabourStart campaign, and write to company management here.

The ICEM has been invited and will participate at the Congress of Birlesik Metal-Is on 16-18 December.