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Trade Unions Form Euro-Mediterranean Cooperative Organisation

5 April, 2010

ICEM affiliates FCE-CFDT of France, FIA-UGT of Spain, and FEMCA-CISL of Italy established a joint entity called Association Pour L’Europe Solidaire et Pour la Coopération Mediterranean, or the Association of Solidarity Europe and Mediterranean Cooperation (AESCOOMED). The new organization has an aim to develop a common European vision, and an information exchange between trade unions regarding economic, social issues, environmental matters, collective bargaining, industrial relations, and common social dialogue platforms.

AESCOOMED’s vision is to develop common work on European Works Councils, and promote the consultation and participation of workers within the member unions, as well as enhance cooperation with countries in the Mediterranean region.


The newly-formed organization held its first conference in Barcelona on 8-9 March 2010 under the banner “Energy, Industrial Policy, and Social Dialogue in the Mediterranean Region.” Trade unions from seven countries, including Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia, and Turkey, together with the presence of the ICEM, debated industrial and energy issues in the region during the initial meetings.

Issues of energy supply security, energy conditions in industrial development, and the environmental impact in Mediterranean countries were discussed. Acknowledging the fact that the environment is fragile and deteriorating, protecting and improving eco-systems has become a key issue in the Euro-Mediterranean region, especially in view of new industrial dynamics. This Euro-Mediterranean cooperation includes issues of water scarcity and water quality, the reform of environmental standards, improving infrastructure, and preserving the environment.

The place and role of social dialogue in all countries of the Mediterranean was also highlighted. Common challenges were defined as population growth, aging population, job creation, modernization of labor markets, maintaining high levels of social protection, and dissemination of knowledge and innovation. All participants were convinced of the need to strengthen cooperation between the union organisations from countries bordering the Mediterranean basin.

The ICEM was invited to the two-day conference and was represented by Rubber and Chemicals Kemal Özkan. He made a presentation on ICEM’s activities regarding social dialogue on the global level and union building and union-support activities in the Middle East/North African Region (MENA).

In conclusion, all participants welcomed the AESCOOMED initiative and measured the importance of international solidarity between workers.