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Trade Unions, Engineering and Consumers’ Groups Take Stand Against Turkey’s Privatisation

7 September, 2008

Citing the common threat of decent work life being destroyed by rampant privatisation, six ICEM Turkish affiliates have joined with engineering associations and a consumer rights group in building an active coalition to block privatising.

Called the Platform Against Privatisation, the coalition’s declaration states that “the Turkish Republic has been losing all values and accomplishments created with sweat and blood since (its) establishment.” The mobilisation of public resources has been “given as gifts to the capitalist class,” the declaration says.

The coalition issued a 10-point agenda, including a determination “to continue a struggle for the rights and interests of labour and democracy, the fight to resist practices such as subcontracting, removing union coverage, low wages, (and) flexible employment,” and to defend the “public management of resources.”

The declaration specifically addresses the current privatising of Turkey’s electric generating and distribution systems and calls energy a “public right for human life.” In July, auctions were held on Turkey’s first two electric distribution networks, and the entire power grid in the Sakarya region is proposed for privatisation.

Chambers of Engineers representing Chemicals, Electrical, Geology, Mechanical, Metals, and Mining are signatory to the declaration. Also, ICEM trade union affiliates including Tes-İş (Energy, Water, and Gas Workers Union), Petrol-İş (Oil, Chemical Workers', and Rubber Workers' Union), Genel Maden-İş (Coal Mine Workers' Union), the Türkiye Maden-İş (Mine Workers), Dev Maden-Sen (Mine Workers' Union), and ESM (Energy, Industry, and Mining Public Employees) are part of Platform Against Privatisation.