5 April, 2010
“Expanding borders from Brazil to other Mercosur countries” was the central decision taken at the Fifth Meeting of the Solvay Trade Union Network in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil, from 29-31 March.
During the first day of the network meetings, the Chemical Workers’ Union of Bahía Blanca of Argentina formally joined the multi-union network, which is now to be called the Solvay Mercosur Trade Union Network.
Solvay is a Belgian-based chemicals company, and the network already had participation from workers at a number of Brazilian locations of the company.
"The principles guiding the network are the same principles guiding our own union work,” said Oscar Strutenberg from the Chemical Workers’ Union of Bahía Blanca. “We are committed to be together, so we will officially work within the group to boost the network.”
In fact, representatives from the Argentine union already had participated in two meetings of the network, but now membership is official, a move viewed very positively by the other unions present.
“I believe this formal new entry shows the growth and maturity of our network,” stated Network Coordinator Juvenil Nunes da Costa from Sindicato dos Quimicos do ABC, a CUT-affiliated regional chemical workers’ union of São Paulo state. “It is an important step in our process, because unions organising workers at the same company in different countries enhances our global alliance.”
With the arrival of the Argentine union, the Network is composed of Sindicato dos Quimicos do ABC, Sindicato dos Trabalhadores da Indústria Química, Petroquímica (the Chemicals and Plastics Union of São Paulo), the Oil and Chemical Workers’ Union of Osasco, and the Paraná Chemical Workers’ Union.
The next steps for the network will be to create a logo, exchange further information, and schedule common actions of the workers’ representatives, including a possible trip to ICEM headquarters in Geneva later this year to discuss issues related to effective social dialogue.