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National Assembly of Los Mineros of Mexico Reiterates Trade Union Demands

17 January, 2011

The ICEM-affiliated National Miners’ and Metalworkers’ Union (SNTMMSRM) of Mexico, or Los Mineros, conducted its National Assembly 10-11 January in Mexico City. Delegates representing over 60 sections and fractions of the union, from 22 states, pledged unfaltering support for their General Secretary in exile, Napoleón Gómez Urrutia, and for the national executive.

The meeting confirmed the priority challenges facing Los Mineros at present during four ongoing strikes, at Cananea, Zacatecas, Taxco, and El Cubo. The National Assembly also reiterated the union’s demand for the immediate release of union officials Juan Linares Montúfar and Martín Salazar, and for an immediate end to the illegal freezing of union bank accounts by the Calderón government.

Delegates resolved to continue the fight to bring Napoleón Gómez back to Mexico, currently made impossible by sham legal charges from the government. Los Mineros also want their democratically elected leader to be officially recognized by the authorities, which has not yet happened.

Delegates pledged full support to the Global Days of Action for trade union rights in Mexico, 14-19 February, which will mark the fifth anniversary of the deadly mine disaster at Pasta de Conchos. The Days of Action will provide a strong, cross-sector trade union alliance carrying out actions across the globe, intended to pass common demands to the Mexican government through its embassies and consulates around the world.

To get involved in trade union action during the week 14-19 February, email [email protected]. See the campaign material here