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Model letter to the union in support of striking Canadian Stora Enso workers

2 March, 2006

Ron Beaton, President
CEP Local 972
323 Reeves Street
Port Hawkesbury, NS B9A 2W2

Transmitted by Fax Number +1 902.626.5943
or E-Mail: [email protected]

Dear Brother Ron Beaton,

We have learned from the ICEM of your courageous struggle to maintain the hard earned working conditions and job security provisions contained in the Paper Sector Pattern Bargaining Agreement for Eastern Canada. We also have been alerted that Stora Enso has locked out members of your local branch union in efforts to undermine the pattern.

On the occasion of your union’s rally and march in Port Hawkesbury on 18 March, we extend to Local 972 members our heartfelt Support and Solidarity in resisting Stora Enso’s pattern weakening proposals. We stand with you in this dispute against Stora Enso, and urge Local 972 members to remain strong and unified in order to defeat these concessionary proposals.

Your struggle is our struggle, and your determination and resolve to gain a fair and equitable labour agreement has our admiration and support.

In Solidarity,


Name of the Union)