19 June, 2011

A plan of action to combat outsourcing in Latin America was agreed at the regional Contract and Agency Labour (CAL) seminar held in Mar del Plata, Argentina, 6-7 April. The seminar, organised by ICEM CAL Project Latin American Coordinators Rosane Sasse and Elias Soares-Pintado, was attended by 28 union leaders from Argentina, Ecuador, Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia, and Chile.
The event began with participants presenting on the status of outsourcing in their own country. Colleagues from Ecuador shared the findings of research into the impact of legislation introduced by President Rafael Correa to ban the use of outsourcing. A number of participants mentioned how legislation in their countries is being abused and many expressed concern at the gap between law and practice. It was agreed that outsourcing has a detrimental impact in all countries, and that coordinated action is needed to stop its use.
Elias Soares-Pintado, Rosane Sasse
On 28 July, it was decided, all participating unions will launch an ongoing campaign against outsourcing in Colombia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. To coincide with this, participants will organise activities to raise workers’ awareness of the issues.
A CAL network was established during the seminar, with each country nominating at least one representative. Representatives will exchange information about challenges and successes.
A detailed plan of action against CAL was agreed, which includes:
- The ICEM will approach Ministries of Labour in particular countries calling for recognition of CAL problems, for respect for trade unions and for concrete actions to be taken against CAL.
- All unions, federations, and confederations should communicate the problems associated with outsourcing and begin a debate on CAL with their governments.
- The ICEM will prepare documents on CAL for the Summit of the President of Latin American countries and the Andean Parliament.
- When a new business is established, unions will immediately start a debate on how production is set out and whether CAL or permanent workers will be employed.
CAL Americas network – list of representatives
The list of representatives for the CAL Latin America Network includes: German Paplecino, SUTNA, and Marcelo Sotosca, STI Black River Gas, Argentina; Ricardo Rodrigues Vera, Fenatrapech, Chile; Moises Ochoa Berrocal, FENUPETROL, Peru; Walter Silva, CUOPYC, Uruguay; Marcelo Solozano, Link, Ecuador; Rodrigues Manuel Acevedo, SITRAPEQUIA, Costa Rica; Carlos Bustos Patiño, ICEM Project Coordinator, Colombia; and Elias Soares-Pintado, ICEM Project Coordinator, Brazil.