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ICEM Letter to President Sirleaf of Liberia Over Firestone Plantation Dispute

11 December, 2007

10 December 2007
Honourable Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
President of the Democratic Republic of Liberia
The Executive Mansion
PO Box 9001
Capitol Hill
Monrovia, County of Monteserrado

Dear President Sirleaf:

I write in the wake of worker unrest at the Firestone Rubber Plantation in Harbel, Liberia. I also write on behalf of the ICEM’s global family of trade unions, calling on you to expedite the certification process for one of those affiliated trade unions, the Firestone Agriculture Workers’ Union of Liberia (FAWUL).

Last week’s flare up of turbulence was unfortunate. However, we have been assured by leadership of FAWUL that they did all they could to get workers not to take strike action. We now understand that Liberian police have rounded up and arrested several workers, who are charged with instigating the strike and the subsequent actions. We ask that amnesty be granted them.

We are convinced that a normalised work atmosphere, as well as a peaceful labor-management relationship is obtainable at Firestone Rubber Plantation if the proper trade union is registered, and that this union be fully allowed to conduct its lawful trade union activities in representing the Firestone Plantation workers.

In the name of Free Trade Unions worldwide, we call on you to use your influence inside the Liberian government to recognise the legitimacy of the Firestone Agriculture Workers’ Union. We insist that your government certify the elected leaders of FAWUL, and ensure that local management at the Firestone Plantation engages in full and meaningful collective negotiations with this union. Last week’s unfortunate strike in Harbel can only be blamed on the frustration of workers, who have been denied their legitimate voice on workplace matters for too many months now.

Your attention and action on this above matter is urgently needed. Please, if there is any way the ICEM can assist in bringing reconciliation to the parties in this matter, do not hesitate to contact me.

Manfred Warda
General Secretary