31 May, 2010
In September 2007, the ICEM and the International Metalworkers' Federation (IMF) jointly signed a Global Framework Agreement (GFA) with Belgian-based Umicore, a chemicals, metals technology, and catalysts systems company. This GFA moved ahead with several activities of late.
Following a joint mission to Shanghai, China, in March 2009, another joint mission was accomplished early this year to São Paulo, Brazil. The ICEM and IMF were represented there by Luc Triangle from the Belgium Union ACV-CSC METEA, who took the lead in signing the GFA back in 2007. He was accompanied by Jef Peeters, Secretary of Umicore’s European Works Council (EWC). The company was represented by Guy Ethier, Senior Vice President of Environment, Health, and Safety, and Mark Dolfyn, Human Resources and Development Director.
From left, the Umicore Monitoring Committee, Noel Van Den Bossche, Mark Dolfyn, ICEM’s Kemal Özkan, Umicore CEO Marc Grynberg, Luc Triangle, Jef Peeters, and Umicore’s Geert Bens and Guy Ethier
Local union leaders and company managers were also present at the meetings.
Umicore’s business in Brazil spiraled with acquisition of the Precious Metals Group from the Finnish-American group OMG in 2003. The three Brazilian Umicore operations are former OMG plants, with one located in Guarulhos that employs 450 staff.
The programme of the joint visit covered consultation with trade union delegates over a detailed agenda, and it involved several participants. The delegation also received detailed information on the Guarulhos site regarding performance, production, demographics, gender/age, types of contracts, staff turnover, training and education, local staff survey results, health and safety, environmental issues, social policies, working conditions, social dialogue, relationship with trade unions, and activities with the local communities.
During the different meetings with local and corporate managers, the different chapters of this reporting were used to discuss situations at Guarulhos.
At the end of the visit, both parties expressed their appreciation. The European trade unionists concluded the meeting with proposals to improve functioning of the Health and Safety Committee, to increase the awareness of the GFA’s content for all workers, inclusive of further training.
Discussions in São Paulo with representatives from Umicore’s three operations in Brazil
Following this mission to Brazil, the GFA’s Monitoring Committee met in Brussels on 23 April. The ICEM was represented by Kemal Özkan, Rubber and Chemicals Industries Officer, while Luc Triangle of Belgium ACV-CSC METEA was present on behalf of IMF. Both Jef Peeters and Noel Van Den Bossche represented the EWC of Umicore. The company delegation was headed by CEO Marc Grynberg, Senior Vice President Guy Ethier, and Mark Dolfyn and Geert Bens.
The meeting heard and discussed a presentation on the annual sustainable development report, the external verification report, an evaluation of the Guarulhos mission, a preview on new sustainable development objectives for 2011-2015, Umicore’s new Sustainable Procurement Approach, planning and financing of future site visits, and the mandated review of the GFA.
Grynberg commented openly on the formulation of the next level of sustainable development objectives, which still needs to be approved by the company’s Board of Directors and will become part of the “Vision 2015” communication tool for all employees. According to the CEO, the new objectives will be clustered around three themes: Great Place to Work, which includes safety and industrial hygiene; Eco Efficiency; and Stakeholder Engagement, which includes achieving a sustainable supply chain management.
As a new approach, Umicore’s Purchase & Transportation Department reviewed the work that has been done, starting in 2008, to prepare the company’s “Sustainable Procurement Charter.” This approach identifies suppliers who are at risk and sets out the evaluation process. The roll-out of the new Sustainable Procurement Charter will start soon, and will be incorporated in the new sustainable development objectives. The results of the supplier evaluation will be used for further improvements in practices of the supply chain.
Commented Özkan on the visit and the Monitoring Committee meeting: "This is an important way forward for Umicore, particularly in comparing the time when we first signed the GFA and in developing and sharing the sustainable development practices of the company. New sustainable development objectives and the Sustainable Procurement Charter will enrich the implementation of the agreement. We offer our full cooperation.”