5 December, 2006
1. Increasing of our efforts to sign more global framework agreements not only with companies but also with international branch organisations, like for example CropLife and IFPMA
2. Using the SAICM process to build up a stronger influence on chemicals management, safety and occupational health and safety on a national and regional and global level
3. Organizing of an international exchange of experience dealing with Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), including the development of a proposal on how to get better involved in the M&A process.
4. Continue the fight against precarious employment and strengthen the common efforts of all ICEM member organisations and all global trade union federations, in order to prevent a further erosion of employee and trade union rights within companies (CAL project)
5. Starting a “social dialogue” with employers on a global level (for example ILO or global framework agreements with International Employers’ Organisations)
6. Actively seek to promote the 1990 ILO Safety in the Use of Chemicals at Work Convention 170 and the Globally Harmonized System of Chemical Classification and Labelling (GHS), and engage with the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) regarding trade union involvement in the Responsible Care programme.
7. All ICEM activities will put a serious effort into improving the workplace environment of the chemical industry for women, and improve the possibilities of combining work and private life for men and women. We also ask our affiliates to make sure that the participation of female delegates on international conferences get an appropriate share, and minimally contains one woman (as concluded on last executive meeting).