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UKRAINE: I witnessed resilience in the face of conflict

20 June, 2024I recently visited Ukraine and, while I didn't witness much of the devastation firsthand, my meetings with our affiliates and discussions about the abhorrent consequences of the Russian invasion revealed a stark reality. Over 6 million Ukrainians have fled the country, with hopes that most will one day return. Inside Ukraine, nearly 6 million people are displaced, seeking safety within their own borders.

Rio de Janeiro calling – A luta continua!

29 June, 2016In October, more than 1,000 union leaders from all five continents will gather to Rio de Janeiro for the second congress of IndustriALL Global Union, to take a number of important decisions, but also to show our support for Brazilian unions.

Multinationals are responsible for their supply chains

25 May, 2016Multinational corporations (MNCs) dominate IndustriALL Global Union’s industrial, energy and mining sectors. But they employ only 6 per cent of the workers who make their products. We hold MNCs accountable for union rights and living wages throughout their supply chains.

Chernobyl workers also needed Just Transition

25 April, 2016As we commemorate the Chernobyl nuclear disaster 30 years ago, we remember all the deaths and illnesses caused by radiation, but also those thousands of workers who needed Just Transition as the power plant closed down.

Free trade requires labour norms and democratic control

22 March, 2016Rules are needed for global trade, but they must include high labour norms and guarantee benefits for all, instead of weakening democratic control and favouring multinational corporations.

European unions fight for strike rights

23 February, 2016Just after we managed to clear an attack by the employers on the right to strike at the ILO, unions in the UK and Spain have had to take up the fight. And it could spread to other countries too.

Unions - voice of social justice in Davos

27 January, 2016Global union leaders tell political leaders and business executives at the World Economic Forum in Davos that we need to build societies based on social justice and take care of workers in the ongoing industrial and energy revolutions.

For human dignity against terror

21 December, 2015As 2015 is coming to an end, the IndustriALL Global Union family vows to continue building a world of human dignity, mutual respect and tolerance; a world in which terrorists can never be successful.

JYRKI RAINA: Welcome to Global Worker

15 December, 2015In this issue of Global Worker, you will see how our affiliates are fighting to make the shipbreaking industry sustainable in South Asia, while our South African union is adapting to the new reality of the global garment sector. All of this is part of our joint worldwide struggle for a better life for our workers.

Climate change requires Just Transition

24 November, 2015IndustriALL Global Union supports a strong worldwide agreement in the COP21 talks in Paris in order to manage climate change. But we need to take care of our workers. That means industrial transformation and just transition into a low-carbon society.