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Showing 1-10 of 523 results

South African mineworkers fight to save diamond mining jobs

20 March, 2025The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) is fighting to save jobs after Petra Diamond Mine issued notices to retrench 468 workers at Finsch and Cullinan mines.

Where are workers now, three years into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?

27 February, 2025For decades, Ukraine’s coal miners have been the backbone of the nation’s energy sector, fueling homes, industries and progress with their labour. But today, their struggle is not only for fair wages and working conditions it is for survival, dignity and the hope of rebuilding their shattered lives. Among them, the Trade Union of Coal Industry Workers of Ukraine (Ukrvugleprofspilka) an IndustriALL affiliate—stands as their last line of defense, fighting for their rights in this harsh reality.

Critical transition minerals key to African development

6 February, 2025Discussions on the potential of critical transition minerals in anchoring Africa’s economic development and industrialization were amongst the most topical issues discussed at the Mining Indaba in Cape Town, 3-6 February. 

15 coal miners killed in Pakistan

14 January, 2025In the first two weeks of 2025, 15 miners have been killed in Pakistan’s coalfields. The absence of adequate safety mechanisms are behind the grim start of the year for the country’s miners.

“Smoking them out” or legalizing artisanal mining in South Africa

20 November, 2024With over 4,000 artisanal miners stranded underground at an abandoned gold mine in Stilfontein, the formalization of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) has ignited debates in South Africa.  

Ghanaian government cancels mining licence for Bogoso-Prestea Mine after union petition

30 September, 2024After conditions of employment for over 1,000 workers deteriorated and became precarious, the Ghana Mine Workers Union (GMWU) and other organizations, campaigned and petitioned the Ghanaian government to cancel the gold mining licence for Bogoso-Prestea Mine.

Botswana: Union fights union busting in the diamond supply chain

15 August, 2024Globally, Botswana’s diamond manufacturing supply chain is seen as a shining example of the sector in Africa. But unions say with the current union busting the country’s diamonds are becoming dirty.

Rising toll in Pakistan's dangerous mines

14 August, 2024Between 7 and 10 August, two miners tragically lost their lives while working at the PMDC Shahrigh lease and Shahrigh coal field in Balochistan, Pakistan respectively. On 7 August, a miner fell from a roof and died while on duty. Just days later, on 10 August, another miner was killed in a separate accident.

Zambian unions reject unjust laws stifling workers' rights

25 July, 2024Unions in Zambia are rejecting proposed amendments to the Employment Code Act 2019 which seek to roll back fundamental rights at work and collective bargaining.

African trade unions to adopt strategies on critical transition minerals

22 July, 2024As trade unions in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) develop Just Transition strategies as their countries transition from high to low carbon energy sources emphasis is placed on business and human rights especially in the mining of critical transition minerals.