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Sino-Uganda Mbale Industrial Park must comply with labour laws

21 June, 2024On 19 June, a tripartite meeting at Sino-Uganda Mbale Industrial Park strategized how to initiate social dialogue to make employers comply with national labour laws and decent working conditions. 

On the path for a just transition for textile and garment workers

20 June, 2024The textile and garment industry, an important sector employing more than 400 million people globally, faces significant changes due to climate change and the twin green and digital transitions. The challenges facing textile workers and what is needed to ensure a just transition amid these shifts was the topic of a webinar hosted by IndustriALL Global Union, the ITUC Just Transition Centre and IndustriAll Europe on 18 June.

Human rights and responsible business conduct in Asia Pacific’s textile sector

13 June, 2024On 5-6 June, IndustriALL Asia-Pacific affiliates met in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, for a workshop on human rights due diligence and a stakeholder roundtable focused on responsible business conduct and industrial relations.

Improving the H&M Global Framework Agreement together

10 June, 2024On 3-4 June, the National Monitoring Committees (NMCs) of the global framework agreement (GFA) between H&M, IndustriALL, and IF Metall gathered in Phnom Penh, Cambodia to reinforce their commitment to building relationships, fostering trust among the signatories, and ensuring the continuous improvement of the GFA.

Strenghtening supply chain relations in Bangladesh

5 June, 2024In an effort to strengthen supply chain industrial relations, IndustriALL led a mission to Bangladesh, focusing on collective bargaining, legally binding agreements and effective dispute resolution.   

Understanding living wages

29 May, 2024On 7-8 May, IndustriALL hosted a training workshop in Tunis, focusing on living wages and collective bargaining for unions representing Swedish companies in Tunisia's textile and garment sector. This initiative, conducted in collaboration with the Fédération Générale du Textile, de l'Habillement, Chaussure et Cuir (FGTHCC-UGTT), brought together approximately 20 unionists from companies like Autoliv, Sancella, and Alva.

Bangladesh’s Employment Injury Scheme to include commuting accidents

27 May, 2024In a groundbreaking effort, the employment injury scheme, piloted in the readymade garment (RMG) sector in Bangladesh, will also include commuting accidents as part of industrial accidents eligible for compensation payout.

IndustriALL and global brands sign legally-binding agreements supporting collective bargaining and improvements in wages

23 May, 2024In a breakthrough for the textile and garment industry in Cambodia, IndustriALL Global Union is signing legally binding agreements with global brands, for the first time achieving brand-supported collective bargaining agreements in the sector. 

Amazon: Stop free-riding on worker safety, sign the Accord today!

25 April, 2024IndustriALL Global Union and Uni Global Union are calling on Amazon to sign the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry.

Rana Plaza anniversary: MEPs must support due diligence today!

23 April, 2024Today, marks the anniversary of the 2013 industrial homicide that killed more than 1,100 people and injured thousands more, as the Rana Plaza collapsed onto garment workers in Dhaka, Bangladesh. This year, the anniversary coincides with the final vote in the European Parliament on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, which, if adopted, would make the respect of environmental standards, human rights including workers’ rights mandatory along global value chains.