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Showing 1-10 of 432 results

Iran: oil and gas workers striking for better conditions

27 June, 2024Iranian workers employed at oil and gas sector projects, at more than 90 worksites including refineries, oil and gas installations and power plants throughout Iran, started striking on 20 June, demanding shift changes, elimination of employment agencies and wage increases. 

UKRAINE: I witnessed resilience in the face of conflict

20 June, 2024I recently visited Ukraine and, while I didn't witness much of the devastation firsthand, my meetings with our affiliates and discussions about the abhorrent consequences of the Russian invasion revealed a stark reality. Over 6 million Ukrainians have fled the country, with hopes that most will one day return. Inside Ukraine, nearly 6 million people are displaced, seeking safety within their own borders.

Nigerian unions suspend strike to allow for negotiations with government

5 June, 2024After calling for an indefinite strike over national minimum wages, and the reversal of electricity tariff increases, trade union federations, the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC), suspended the strike on 4 June to allow for negotiations with the Federal Government of Nigeria.

Excessive violence against labour protestors in Iraq

5 June, 2024On 2 June 2024, Iraqi security forces escalated their violence against contract workers at the South Refineries Company, who were peacefully protesting for permanent contracts. The brutality was described as "deadly" by Iraqi unions.

Solidarity and challenges in the nuclear sector amidst Ukraine’s invasion

22 May, 2024In industriALL’s virtual International Nuclear Workers’ Unions’ Network (INWUN) meeting, affiliates came together to discuss developments and challenges in the sector. The main topic was the conflict in Ukraine where unions are faced with deteriorating working conditions amidst the ongoing struggle for safety due to the Russian invasion.

Italy: union win for Enel workers

13 May, 2024Three Italian unions affilitated to IndustriALL, namely Federazione Italiana Lavoratori Chimica Tessile Energia Manifatture (FILCTEM-CGIL), Federazione Lavoratori Aziende Elettriche Italiana (FLAEI-CISL) and Unione Italiana Lavoratori Tessile Energia e Chimica (UILTEC-UIL), ended their strike at Enel after months of negotiations with management who had intentions to redefine the industrial relations model. The unions and Enel management reached an agreement in late April. 

Liberian union signs collective agreement

8 May, 2024IndustriALL affiliated union, United Workers Union of Liberia (UWUL) signed a three-year collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with public utility Liberia Electricity Corporation on 2 May, after months of negotiations.  

Strengthening union organization in Iraq’s oil and gas sector

9 April, 2024The first founding congress to elect the leadership of the Basra branch of the General Federation of Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Unions in Iraq (GFOGPUI) was held on 9 March under the slogan: Organizing, is the real support of the Iraqi trade union movement.   

Nigerian unions protest increasing cost of living

28 February, 2024On 27 and 28 February thousands of Nigerian workers went on nationwide protests against the increasing cost of living caused by what unions summarize as anti-worker economic austerity measures, that were introduced by the Federal Government of Nigeria. 

Malawi energy utility suspends 14 striking workers over wage dispute

14 December, 2023On 7 December over a thousand workers marched and staged a sit-in at the Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM) operations in the cities of Blantyre, Lilongwe, and Mzuzu to protest a pittance wage offer.