IndustriALL auto world conference: focus on transformation and organizing18 March, 2025More than 100 trade unionists from 36 unions across 22 countries gathered in Pune, India, from 4-6 March for the IndustriALL Global Union automotive world conference. Participants tackled urgent issues facing workers in the auto sector ; industrial transformation, just transition, precarious work, gender equality and the need to build stronger unions globally.
Union busting and layoffs at Swiss-backed e-bus manufacturer in Thailand 18 November, 2024Under the Paris Climate Agreement, Switzerland supports investments into carbon neutrality in Thailand, and in return, Switzerland receives carbon credits. Absolute Assembly manufactures e-buses for a programme supported by Switzerland under the Agreement, which is clear that commitments made must be in line with achieving a Just Transition. This means decent jobs with fair working conditions, which is not the case at Absolute Assembly.
Serbia: workers in Yura need fair wages and decent working conditions 18 November, 2024Today, the Hyundai/Kia network, Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia, together with the Independent Union of Metalworkers of Serbia IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll European Trade Union, met to express their solidarity with the workers of Yura in Serbia in their struggle for union recognition, fairer wages and decent working conditions.
MENA automotive unions week5 November, 2024In October 2024, IndustriALL organized the MENA automotive industry unions week in Morocco, with the participation of union leaders from Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco. On 6-7 October, the MENA automotive union network met to Just Transition, organizing and workers’ challenges.
VW workers threaten strikes over plant closures31 October, 2024On 30 October, Volkswagen workers issued a bold warning: they will strike unless the automaker rules out plant closures in its restructuring plan. The company and IG Metall, an IndustriALL affiliate, are locked in a heated dispute over wages and potential factory shutdowns.
Malaysia: HICOM must comply with ILO decision 30 October, 2024The National union of transport equipment and allied industries workers (NUTEAIW) is demanding reinstatement of five union leaders at HICOM Automotive Manufacturers, after both the employer and the government continue to ignore an ILO decision from 2022.
The strike against Tesla24 October, 2024It’s been a year since Swedish union IF Metall called for a strike against Tesla, as the US car manufacturer refuses to negotiate a collective agreement. In a labour market governed by dialogue between employers and unions for the last 100 years, going on strike represents a rare breakdown in a country where nearly 90 per cent of the workforce is covered by a collective agreement.
Thai employer continues to violate workers’ rights under Swiss programme11 October, 2024A year after having first called on the Swiss government to exercise human rights due diligence at Absolute Assembly, IndustriALL Global Union is reiterating the call as labour rights are deteriorating, directly breaking the commitments made by the Swiss government. The company in Thailand manufactures e-buses for a programme supported by Switzerland under the Paris Climate Agreement.
Manager physically assaults workers at Yura factory in Serbia 1 October, 2024A South Korean manager at Yura’s Leskovac factory in Serbia, physically assaulted three female workers during the first shift on 27 September. The victims, employed in seated preparation roles due to medical conditions developed while working at Yura, were initially subjected to verbal abuse before he kicked their chairs and threw one at them. One worker sustained injuries and another lost consciousness, requiring hospital treatment.
Malaysia: Union busting at auto supplier Valeo30 September, 2024Valeo Malaysia Sdn Bhd’s union busting attempts failed when courts ruled in favour of the National Union of Transport Equipment & Allied Industries Workers’ (NUTEAIW) right to organize. Valeo Malaysia tried to disrespect workers’ free choice at secret ballot result and filed multiple legal challenges against the NUTEAIW.