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IndustriALL auto world conference: focus on transformation and organizing

18 March, 2025More than 100 trade unionists from 36 unions across 22 countries gathered in Pune, India, from 4-6 March for the IndustriALL Global Union automotive world conference. Participants tackled urgent issues facing workers in the auto sector ; industrial transformation, just transition, precarious work, gender equality and the need to build stronger unions globally.

IndustriALL 4th Congress in Sydney, 2025

13 March, 2025IndustriALL Global Union is excited to announce its 4th Congress in Sydney, Australia, from 4-7 November 2025. Under the unifying slogan "Organizing for a just future" this Congress will bring together trade union representatives from around the world to discuss the future of work and reinforce their collective commitment to fundamental rights and social justice.

Africa: Trade unions strategize on economic transformation and social justice

4 March, 2025Trade unions want to be involved in policymaking to become some of the actors that will change Africa’s narrative from war, poverty, natural disasters and unemployment, to one of economic transformation and development. The call came during discussions at the 15 ITUC Africa New Year School in Grand Bassam, Cote d’Ivoire, 25-28 February. 

Unions push for a Just Transition in the textile and garment sector

16 December, 2024Last month, together with the ITUC Just Transition Centre and industriAll Europe, IndustriALL Global Union hosted a workshop to discuss strategies for ensuring decent work and social protection in the global textile and garment sector, as it faces disruptions from economic and environmental shifts under the green transition. The event brought together union leaders to address the sector’s challenges amidst the green transition and economic transformations.

Union busting and layoffs at Swiss-backed e-bus manufacturer in Thailand

18 November, 2024Under the Paris Climate Agreement, Switzerland supports investments into carbon neutrality in Thailand, and in return, Switzerland receives carbon credits. Absolute Assembly manufactures e-buses for a programme supported by Switzerland under the Agreement, which is clear that commitments made must be in line with achieving a Just Transition. This means decent jobs with fair working conditions, which is not the case at Absolute Assembly.

Unions in Asia-Pacific call for sustainable worker centric industrial policies

11 November, 2024Asia-Pacific has witnessed massive industrial growth in recent years. However, while investments in manufacturing industries have increased, workers are suffering from growing inequality, skyrocketing inflation, stagnant wages, precarious work and growing attacks on workers’ rights. The concerns are pushing unions in the region to pursue an agenda of sustainable industrial policy, which includes measures to safeguard and create well-paid and secure jobs and guarantees of sustainable employment.

MENA automotive unions week

5 November, 2024In October 2024, IndustriALL organized the MENA automotive industry unions week in Morocco, with the participation of union leaders from Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco. On 6-7 October, the MENA automotive union network met to Just Transition, organizing and workers’ challenges.

Energy sector unions in Southeast Asia drive forward Just Transition strategies

25 October, 2024On October 22-23, 2024, IndustriALL, supported by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), hosted a meeting in Manila to discuss the future of energy and Just Transition in Southeast Asia. Delegates from across the region gathered to strategize on prioritizing workers’ rights and job security amid the shift to sustainable energy.

Building material workers win key gains for decent work and just transition

10 October, 2024Representatives for workers, governments and employers embraced transformative measures to reshape the future of the building materials industry, including cement, forging a sustainable path which harmonizes economic growth with environmental viability and social justice.

Malawi: Conference strategizes on skills training in just energy transition

20 September, 2024A conference held in Lilongwe from 9-12 September on the just energy transition and skills development in the renewable energy sector highlighted both the unique challenges and shared experiences of most Sub-Saharan African countries as they developed strategies towards transitioning to low-carbon economies.