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Union input needed on labour standards

26 June, 2024The Global Reporting Initiative is currently drafting a new set of labour standards to ensure that labour issues are addressed comprehensively and ethically. The new draft is developed by a technical committee including the ILO, the ITUC and the IOE, but more input from unions is needed to safeguard workers’ rights.

Sino-Uganda Mbale Industrial Park must comply with labour laws

21 June, 2024On 19 June, a tripartite meeting at Sino-Uganda Mbale Industrial Park strategized how to initiate social dialogue to make employers comply with national labour laws and decent working conditions. 

On the path for a just transition for textile and garment workers

20 June, 2024The textile and garment industry, an important sector employing more than 400 million people globally, faces significant changes due to climate change and the twin green and digital transitions. The challenges facing textile workers and what is needed to ensure a just transition amid these shifts was the topic of a webinar hosted by IndustriALL Global Union, the ITUC Just Transition Centre and IndustriAll Europe on 18 June.

Unions in Argentina condemn reform bill with major impact on workers

19 June, 2024Unions in Argentina condemn the Senate’s passing of the reform bill, which they say will undermine sovereignty, roll back labour rights and leave future generations without prospects.

Global unions’ mission pledges support for Palestinian statehood

14 June, 2024Tim Dawson, deputy general secretary of the International Federation of Journalists, shares his observations from the global union mission to Palestine in May.

Human rights and responsible business conduct in Asia Pacific’s textile sector

13 June, 2024On 5-6 June, IndustriALL Asia-Pacific affiliates met in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, for a workshop on human rights due diligence and a stakeholder roundtable focused on responsible business conduct and industrial relations.

Rapid decline in workers' rights globally

13 June, 2024The launch of ITUC’s 2024 global rights index makes for sad reading as workers’ rights are in decline around the world. Bangladesh, Belarus and Eswatini are among the ten worst countries in the world for working people.

Uruguay’s PIT-CNT union condemns illegal surveillance of their president

12 June, 2024Uruguayan trade union federation PIT-CNT is concerned at government officials’ illegal surveillance of its president, Marcelo Abdala, as this could damage the country’s democratic values.

Global unions urge ILO to invoke Article 33 on Myanmar

11 June, 2024Yesterday global unions, trade union activists and delegates in attendance at the 112th International Labour Conference (ILC), in Geneva, gathered at the Broken Chair to call on the International Labour Organization(ILO) to invoke Article 33 of its constitution as the military junta ruiling Myanmar for more than three years has failed to carry out the recommendations given after an ILO Commission of Inquiry found serious violations of Forced Labour and Freedom of Association protocols.

NUMSA considers legal action to stop violence against strikers

6 June, 2024The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA), affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union, is considering taking legal action against employers after a striking worker was shot dead by a security guard at multinational automotive air conditioning and engine cooling systems manufacturer MAHLE Bher, a factory in KwaZulu-Natal last month.