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Showing 991-1000 of 1837 results

Garment worker killed and 50 injured in Bangladesh clashes

10 January, 2019A garment worker has been killed and another 50 injured after Bangladeshi police fired rubber bullets and tear gas at around 5,000 protesting workers on the outskirts of the capital, Dhaka, on Tuesday 8 January.

National Grid lockout ends with new 6-year contract

8 January, 2019Some 1,250 workers at National Grid in Massachusetts, USA, will be returning to work under a new 6-year contract, ending a lockout lasting more than six months. 

Peru: Manufacturing unions facing up to the challenge

8 January, 2019Peru is a bastion of orthodox neoliberalism, where institutions are weak and economic growth is all that matters. But IndustriALL Global Union affiliates (FENAIP, FETRIMAP and FNTTP) are fighting back. They recently agreed to form a national council in order to work closely together, and have planned a series of joint activities as part of a project funded by Union to Union. The two unions in the manufacturing industry are making gains for workers’ rights.

IndustriALL decries Belgian company’s union-busting in Turkey

3 January, 2019IndustriALL Global Union has condemned the misuse of Turkish legislation by local management to stop freedom of association and collective bargaining at Belgian-owned polyurethane company, Recticel.

INTERVIEW: Luisa María Alcalde

3 January, 2019“People are buzzing with enthusiasm – you can feel it in the air,” says Luisa María Alcalde cheerfully. It is truly the start of a new era for the people of Mexico: Andrés Manuel López Obrador was recently elected president, bringing hopes of democracy, gender equality, youth inclusion and the end of poverty and corruption.It is also the first time a Mexican cabinet has achieved gender parity, with eight men and eight women of varying ages. Luisa María Alcalde is the perfect illustration of this new era. The 31-year-old is ready to head up one of the key ministries in the fight to protect workers’ rights – the ministry of labour and social welfare.

Turkey: 186-day strike at Mayr-Melnhof ends in victory for workers

29 December, 2018Around 250 members of IndustriALL affiliate Selüloz-İş voted in favour of an agreement on 22 December, which contains important achievements.

Chemical and pharmaceutical unions build power in India

21 December, 2018Meeting in Mumbai, India on 20 December 2018, IndustriALL Global Union’s Indian affiliates agreed to intensify their union building programme in the booming chemical and pharmaceutical industries in the country.

IndustriALL unions negotiate global dispute resolution mechanism with H&M

20 December, 2018IndustriALL Global Union trade union affiliates representing garment workers at H&M have agreed upon a global dispute resolution mechanism with the Swedish fashion giant, as part of IndustriALL’s global framework agreement (GFA) with the company. 

Rubber unions in unity against attacks

20 December, 2018Meeting in Mumbai, India on 18-19 December 2018, around 50 rubber union representatives from 15 countries in Asia-Pacific, the Americas and Europe engaged in a series of discussions to evaluate progress in implementing the Action Plan adopted by the World Rubber Conference in Pittsburgh, USA in September 2017.

More than 40 striking steelworkers detained in Iran

19 December, 2018IndustriALL Global Union has written to the government of Iran to condemn to the arrest of more than 40 striking workers at the Ahvaz Steel complex, in brutal raids at their homes on 17 and 18 December.