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Showing 91-100 of 190 results

Workers denounce anti-trade union practices at Gerdau steel plants

3 June, 2016The Gerdau World Workers’ Council met in Montevideo, Uruguay from 16-18 May to address the global steel crisis and anti-trade union practices at Gerdau, which is the biggest producer of long steel in the Americas.

Victory for striking Verizon workers

1 June, 2016Following a 45-day strike, Communications Workers of America union (CWA) and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) announced a tentative agreement with telecommunications giant Verizon on 29 May.

IndustriALL’s global leaders call on Volkswagen to get in line

30 May, 2016IndustriALL Global Union’s Executive Committee adopted a resolution calling on German car manufacturer Volkswagen to respect trade union rights at its Chattanooga plant in Tennessee, USA.

VW Chattanooga workers win important victory

14 April, 2016Workers at Volkswagen’s plant in Chattanooga, USA, are a big step closer to collective bargaining representation, as the US National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) rules to uphold the results of a democratic work place election in December 2015.

Workers ask Brazilian senator to mediate in dispute over union recognition at Nissan

14 April, 2016After hearing evidence on Nissan’s anti-union practices in the USA, Senator Paulo Paim agreed to ask the Nissan CEO to allow unionisation of the plant.

Nissan workers use dialogue and demonstration to advance their cause

22 February, 2016Three trade union centres in Brazil are using a combination of dialogue and demonstration to advance the cause of Nissan workers. They organized a demonstration and a meeting with the Organizing Committee of the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games, to be held in Rio de Janeiro. They demanded that Nissan should be made to observe the terms of its official sponsorship deal and not violate human rights in the company’s supply chain. 

Nissan – Not fit to be an Olympic sponsor

18 February, 2016Nissan is under fire from trade unions that say the car company is breaking Olympic guidelines for sponsors of the Rio 2016 Games. 

15,000 protest against TPPA in New Zealand

4 February, 2016An estimated 15,000 people demonstrated through the streets of Auckland, New Zealand, on 4 February, as ministers from 12 countries met in the city to sign a divisive trade deal. 

USA: 18,000 steelworkers approve 3-year contract

3 February, 2016IndustriALL affiliate United Steelworkers (USW) union have ratified a new three-year contract with U.S. Steel covering 18,000 workers at more than a dozen facilities across the United States.

US Steelworkers rally against ArcelorMittal to demand fair contracts

28 January, 2016Around 100 United Steelworkers (USW) members, retirees and supporters rallied at rush hour outside ArcelorMittal’s corporate offices in downtown Chicago on the morning of 27 January 2016 and delivered a loud and clear message directly to group chairman and CEO, Lakshmi Mittal, “We deserve a fair contract now!”.