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Showing 91-100 of 268 results

Accident in Indian shipyard exposes safety crisis

31 August, 2020An accident at Hindustan Shipyard Limited (HSL) on 1 August killed ten workers and points to another example of a safety crisis in India.

Indian unions to observe “Save India Day” against Modi government

6 August, 2020India’s central trade unions jointly called on workers across the country to take action on 9 August and intensify protests against the anti-worker policies of the Modi government.

Gokaldas Exports continues union busting in India

10 July, 2020Women workers who earn less than US$ 4.5 a day producing clothes for H&M, Gap and Adidas, have been fighting for their livelihoods for more than a month, as garment factory owner Gokaldas Exports have illegally laid off 1,200 workers at its only unionized factory.

India’s safety crisis: industrial accidents during Covid-19 kill at least 75

7 July, 2020Since May, there has been more than 30 industrial accidents in India, killing at least 75 workers, injuring over a hundred. These numbers are based on reported incidents and the real number may be far higher.

Government of India must take swift measures to prevent another Bhopal disaster

25 June, 2020A series of accidents has killed and injured workers and caused irreparable damage to the environment. IndustriALL is calling on the government of India to immediately address this systemic breakdown in safety controls to avert any further potential catastrophes.

Indian cement unions decide on joint action

19 June, 2020Indian cement unions met virtually on 16 June 2020 to assess how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the industry and agree on common action. Over 30 union leaders and activists participated, from the Indian National Cement Workers’ Federation, All India Cement Employees’ Federation and Pragatisheel Cement Shramik Sangh.

Coal India unions call for strike to oppose privatization

16 June, 2020Central unions in India’s coal sector are calling for a three-day strike on 2 July, to oppose the government’s plan to auction coal blocks on to private companies for commercial mining.

Unions call for non-cooperation against Modi government

9 June, 2020Indian unions are intensifying their struggle against Modi government’s failure to protect workers’ interests during the Covid-19 lockdown and its aggressive attacks on workers’ rights. A day of non-cooperation is announced for 3 July.

All-night picket over 1,200 illegal lay-offs

9 June, 2020Women workers at Euro Clothing Company ECC-2, India, supplier to global fashion brands like H&M, staged an overnight sit-in at the factory, protesting against the illegal lay-offs of 1,200 workers.

Safety crisis in Indian mines call for ratification of ILO C-176

5 June, 2020268 workers were killed and 748 workers suffered serious injuries in India’s mines between 2016 to 2019. A series of accidents in May suggest that 11 coal miners were killed and many more injured.