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Showing 91-100 of 1745 results

Garment workers in Mauritius to receive compensation from leading fashion brands

11 January, 2024Garment workers in Mauritius will receive up to US$508,918 from leading fashion brands Barbour and PVH, which owns Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger, after an investigation found that migrant workers on the island were forced to pay thousands of pounds for their jobs.

Unions promote and boost global dialogue with Saint-Gobain Group

9 January, 2024The current status and developments of the Saint-Gobain group were on the agenda when 20 union representatives from nine countries, representing workers in the group, met in Paris for a two day global union network meeting. This meeting was hosted by IndustriALL affiliate Fédération Chimie Energie FCE-CFDT on 19 and 20 December last year.

Indonesian unions demand investigation of ITSS furnace explosion

3 January, 2024A huge explosion of the nickel smelter furnace at PT Indonesia Tsingshan Stainless Steel (ITSS) killed 18 mine workers and wounded 41 workers on 29 December, last year.

Uniting for workers' rights: the US-Brazil partnership

19 December, 2023In September 2023, the United States and Brazil launched an initiative: The Partnership for Workers' Rights (PWR). The alliance aims to champion decent work, boost labour rights, and ensure a just transition in the clean energy sector.

Bangladesh: dismissed workers reinstated with ACT interim dispute resolution mechanism

19 December, 2023The right to freedom of association is upheld as IndustriALL affiliate, the Bangladesh Garment and Industrial Workers' Federation (BGIWF), reaches an agreement on a complaint brought against Dekko Designs Ltd. under the ACT interim dispute resolution mechanism.

Signing on for workers' rights

12 December, 202356 brands have so far signed the new International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry, taking responsibility for workers’ rights in their supply chains. North American brands are conspicuously lacking from the list of signatories, which to date includes brands like H&M, Inditex (Zara), PVH, C&A and Otto Group.

Philippines ratifies ILO Convention 190

12 December, 2023After four years of campaigning led by IndustriALL Philippine affiliates, the country’s Senate has ratified the ILO Convention on violence and harassment, making Philippines the 37th country in the world to do so.

Union leaders in Kyrgyzstan must be released immediately

11 December, 2023Union leader Eldar Tadjibaev, chair of the Mining and Metallurgy Trade Union of Kyrgyzstan (MMTUK), was arrested together with several other union leaders on 6 December, as part of increasing pressure on unions and restrictions of freedom of association in the country.

Tesla strike action spreads across borders

8 December, 2023Six weeks into IF Metall’s strike for a collective agreement at auto manufacturer Tesla, the solidarity strike action is spreading not only in Sweden, but also to neighbouring Denmark and Norway.

South African court rules in favour of gender equality on parental leave

7 December, 2023In a case that will transform how maternity and parental leave is taken in South Africa, the Gauteng High Court in Johannesburg ruled that working parents can take turns in taking the four months’ maternity leave. Previously, maternity leave applied only to the “pregnant mother.”