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Showing 81-90 of 297 results

Brazilian oil workers temporarily suspend national strike

4 June, 2018IndustriALL Brazilian affiliate FUP temporarily suspended their 72-hour national strike when the court threatened the union with an extortionate fine of 2 million reais (US$540,000) per day, a clear violation of trade union rights.

Machinists strike continues in West Virginia, USA

10 May, 2018A strike by workers at Tecnocap SpA in Glen Dale, West Virginia, is entering its second month, as the company refuses to bargain with IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM).

Workers at Fresenius Kabi in Chile call off strike after reaching agreement

5 April, 2018The Fresenius Kabi Chilean Workers Union at Plant Sanderson achieved an important victory after securing a pay rise on 22 March. As a result of this development, it called off its official strike which began on 14 March.

Scrap labour law amendment bills, say unions in South Africa

23 March, 2018In a carnival-like atmosphere IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) took to the streets of Johannesburg protesting proposed amendments to the labour laws, which the union says will reverse the hard-won gains on workers’ rights. NUMSA has called for a general strike on April 25 to defend the right to strike.

Grasberg: agreement signed but dispute continues

22 March, 2018Thousands of workers fired for striking by Freeport in Indonesia continue to suffer following an agreement reached with Freeport.

Victory as strike ends at Rio Tinto QMM in Fort-Dauphin, Madagascar

14 March, 2018Workers at Rio Tinto’s QIT Madagascar Minerals (QMM) operations downed tools twice in five days over management’s violation of their collective bargaining agreement relative to salary increases.  About 320 permanent workers out of 480 went out strike on 8 March.

Iran: 10 detained after protests over unpaid wages of 4,000 steel workers

6 March, 2018IndustriALL Global Union is calling for the immediate release of ten steel mill workers detained after protests against unpaid wages of 4,000 workers at the Iran National Steel Industrial Group in Ahvaz. 

Ukrainian miners escalate protest against unpaid wages

22 February, 2018Nine people have embarked on an indefinite hunger strike after the Ukrainian government failed to fully reimburse millions of dollars in unpaid wages for Ukrainian coal miners dating back to 2015.

3,000 white-collar paper workers in Finland to strike

12 January, 2018***UPDATE*** On Monday 15 January, IndustriALL Global Union's Finnish affilaite, Pro, scored a victory after steadfast resistance from its members. Both trade union Pro and employers’ association, Finnish Forest Industries, approved the mediation proposal of the National Conciliator for the paper sector’s white-collar employees to increase salaries, and all strike actions were immediately cancelled. Pro succeeded in securing a pay rise for workers and resisted employers' demands to weaken the industry-wide collective agreement. 

General strike paralyses Greece

22 December, 2017Much of Greece ground to a halt on 14 December as workers took part in a 24-hour general strike demanding the government ends austerity measures.