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Showing 81-90 of 512 results

Mongolian union calls for implementation of ILO C176

14 November, 2019The mining industry accounts for more than half of Mongolia’s gross domestic product (GDP). And yet, health and safety in the country’s mines is poor.

Australian union calls out BHP on contract work

12 November, 2019IndustriALL affiliate CFMEU Mining and Energy, representing mine workers at BHP operations in Australia, attended the company’s annual general meeting on 6 November in Sydney, to question executives about the new labour hire subsidiary Operations Services.

Mine closure huge blow to workers

11 November, 2019The decision to close an underground uranium mine in the Niger desert by 2021 would mean the loss 1,472 jobs and heavily impact communities in the nearby town of Arlit.

Ukrainian miners demand payment of wage arrears

24 October, 2019The Ukrainian government has set aside money to pay wage arrears, but unions will protest outside parliament until the money owed to  more than 30,000 coal miners is paid.

US copper workers strike after decade with no pay rise

22 October, 2019Two thousand workers have been on strike for a week at four Asarco copper facilities in Arizona, and one in Texas, after rejecting a four-year contract that would see no pay rise for most.

Solidarity in the face of BHP’s race to the bottom

18 October, 2019IndustriALL, together with London Mining Network, International Transport Federation, Unite the Union and others, joined forces in a joint demonstration ahead of the mining giant’s annual general meeting in London, calling on BHP to stop replacing permanent jobs with less stable, lower paid contract work.

Georgian coal miners end protest over unpaid wages

27 September, 2019The situation of Tkibuli coalminers was been heard at the top national level. The prime minister of the country ordered the Minister of the Economy to visit the site and find a solution to the appalling situation of wage arrears.

Indian coal miners strike against privatization of mines

25 September, 2019Five Indian unions representing 500,000 miners at Coal India Limited (CIL) and Singareni collieries took strike action on 24 September, leading to a complete halt in coal production and dispatch.

Unions from five countries meet in Chile to campaign for BHP workers’ rights

23 September, 2019Leaders of IndustriALL Global Union’s BHP network will gather in Santiago, Chile, on 23 - 24 September as part of a worldwide campaign to improve worker rights and to call for an end to the outsourcing of jobs at the mining giant.

Peru: mining strike met with violence and arrests

18 September, 2019Mine workers in Peru have suspended a week long national strike after clashes with the police and the arrest of union members.