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Showing 81-90 of 432 results

Northern Cyprus union fights privatization of electric power

2 October, 2020IndustriALL  affiliate the Cyprus Turkish Electricity Authority Employees Union (EL-SEN) is taking action against the privatization of the Turkish electricity authority KIB-TEK. The public electricity provider has incurred massive debts, and the union is calling on the government to step in to avoid a transfer of power from pubic to private hands.

Ugandan oil and gas fields provide potential for union organizing

1 October, 2020IndustriALL affiliate UMMOGAWU in Uganda welcomes the agreement between French oil company Total and Uganda’s government for the construction of an over 1,440 km oil pipeline, expected to create up to 16,000 new jobs, and has declared its intention to organize the workers.

Electricity workers in Pakistan demand safety

17 September, 2020From 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020, at least 53 electricity workers were killed at work, and many suffered severe injuries disabling them for life. And the day before a national safety day to remember the dead and promote safety, another fatal accident occurred.

Iranian oil and gas strike solid in fourth week

27 August, 2020An unprecedented mass strike in the Iranian oil and gas sector is holding firm as it enters its fourth week.

Huge strike wave hits Iranian energy sector

4 August, 2020Thousands of workers have taken strike action in Iran’s South Pars gas fields, protesting the late payment of wages and poor working conditions.

Gas is the future for the Nigerian economy, say unions

23 July, 2020Nigerian unions are optimistic that the Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano gas pipeline, whose construction is underway, will contribute to the country’s industrialization and economic development efforts.

Energy unions tackle effects of Covid-19

2 July, 2020The global energy industry has been severely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic as it has slowed down transport, trade and economy. Energy workers are bearing the brunt of the crisis, and minimizing the impacts is central for the unions.

Fighting precarious work in Indonesia's oil and gas sector

1 July, 2020Indonesian oil and gas workers are fighting precarious work through legal action and an organizing drive, amid the coronavirus outbreak and economic downturn.

Asia Pacific energy unions urge governments to enforce health and safety

25 June, 2020Seventeen unions in South Asia and South East Asia have vowed to defend workers’ rights during the pandemic, urging governments to enforce safety and health practices to protect workers’ lives.

Lockout ends for refinery workers in Canada

23 June, 2020A dispute that lasted almost 200 days has ended after the Unifor Canada local 594 bargaining unit ratified a tentative agreement with the employer, Federated Co-operatives Limited.