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Showing 81-90 of 265 results

Sub-Saharan Africa sets ambitious union agenda

16 October, 2019More than 200 trade unionists from 40 countries attended the Sub Saharan Africa regional conference in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, on 10-11 October to reconstitute the regional executive committee and endorse a series of action plans.

Unions intensify campaign for African industrialization

15 October, 2019More than 200 union leaders re-affirmed their determination to campaign for the industrialization of the continent at IndustriALL Global Union’s Africa Industrialization Conference on 9 October in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The event was supported by International Labour Organization (ILO) and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

African women rise for gender equality

11 October, 2019African women, rise! This was the slogan of the IndustriALL Global Union Sub Saharan Africa women's regional executive, which met on 10 October in in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The meeting brings together women union leaders from across the subcontinent.

African miners say mineral wealth must benefit continent

9 October, 2019This was the message of delegates to the Sub Saharan Africa mining summit, which met on 8 October in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The meeting brought together about 150 union delegates and industry experts from across the continent.

Youth in Sub Saharan Africa create regional structure

8 October, 2019Young workers from IndustriALL Global Union affiliates from across the Sub Saharan Africa region met for the first time in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, on 7 October. They created a structure and elected office bearers.

Unions condemn rights violations in Zimbabwe

24 September, 2019Union leaders in Zimbabwe are subjected to abduction, torture and death threats, which are gross violations of workers’ and human rights, say unions.

African countries urged to ratify ILO C176 on mine safety

9 September, 2019Ratifying and implementing the International Labour Organization Convention 176 is an important step in improving mine safety and health and reducing deaths from mine accidents in Sub Saharan Africa.

South African unions shocked by xenophobia and looting

3 September, 2019From 1-3 September mobs in Johannesburg broke into shops mainly owned by foreign nationals and looted goods. Several cars were torched, a person was shot dead, and others were injured in the mayhem.

Calls to formalize artisanal and small-scale mining in Africa

29 August, 2019Trade unions in Africa are calling for artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) to be formalized as a way of transforming the sector, following a meeting of IndustriALL Global Union mining affiliates in Johannesburg, South Africa, on 21 and 22 August.

Unions build unity through collective bargaining training in Madagascar

8 August, 2019Collective bargaining is one of the ways through which trade unions build solidarity, respect, trust, better communication, and consensus amongst workers. However, collective bargaining negotiations are complex, with challenges that may not be immediately apparent.