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Showing 81-90 of 268 results

Health and safety a major concern for South Asia chemical and pharmaceutical unions

10 December, 2020Increasing industrial accidents, health and safety risks, lack of relevant information, precarious work, digitalisation in production and building union networks were some of the key issues discussed at the South Asia chemical and pharmaceutical unions meeting on 27 November.

Over 250 million workers join national strike in India

26 November, 2020Despite repression, a joint general strike by workers and farmers has shut down India. Over 250 million workers took part in the 26 November strike.

Global unions in solidarity with Indian union movement

29 October, 2020IndustriALL and ITUC vowed to stand together in solidarity with the Indian union movement, supporting their struggle against the anti-worker policies of the Modi government.

Indian unions mobilize for national strike

8 October, 2020Indian unions are calling for a nationwide strike on 26 November as a protest against the Modi government’s attacks on workers’ rights and poor Covid-19 response.

Hong Kong Convention key to South Asian shipbreaking recovery

29 September, 2020South Asia shipbreaking unions, IndustriALL and FNV Mondiaal representatives held virtual meetings on 24 and 25 September to evaluate union support for workers during Covid-19, and pledged to intensify the campaign to ratify the Hong Kong Convention for the safe and environmentally sound recycling of ships (HKC).

Workers’ rights and health are key issues for Indian cement unions

24 September, 2020The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated challenges for Indian cement workers, including mounting job losses, the threat of infection at work, lack of medical support and a race to bottom with the intensification of precarious work.

Modi government’s anti-worker laws met with union protests

24 September, 2020Central trade unions in India came together in nationwide protests on 23 September to protest against a series of anti-workers policies passed by the Modi government.

South Asia unions prioritize social protection, health and workers’ rights

9 September, 2020In a series of meetings, IndustriALL’s South Asia affiliates described the devastating impact of Covid-19, health and safety challenges and renewed attacks on workers’ rights. Their response to overcome the crisis is universal social protection, defending workers’ rights and unity.

Labour law changes and migrant workers' rights in India

4 September, 2020Last month, IndustriALL’s South Asia office organized two webinars with Indian affiliates to discuss anti-worker labour law reforms pursued by the Modi government, the impact of Covid -19, and rights and remedies for migrant workers.

Indian unions oppose harmful environmental rules

3 September, 2020Unions are urging the government to withdraw the draft notification of Environmental Impact Assessment rules as it is in contravention to India’s commitment to combat Climate Change and 2030 sustainable development goals.