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Showing 81-90 of 90 results

German metalworkers win major wage increase

16 May, 2013In Germany workers of the metal and electrical industries, organized by IndustriALL affiliate IG Metall, win 5.6 per cent pay rise for the next 20 month period.

Global solidarity ensures union at auto supplier in Turkey

28 February, 2013Global solidarity support and 3 Global Framework Agreements assisted Birlesik Metal Is in securing union recognition at Fontana Pietro, an auto supplier plant in Turkey.

Union membership grows at IG Metall and Unite

31 January, 2013IndustriALL Global Union affiliates, IG Metall and Unite, announced membership growth in 2012, with 18,000 additional members at IG Metall and a boost of 50,000 at Unite.

Commitment to Trade Union Networks and Global Framework Agreements

17 October, 2012IndustriALL Global Union’s commitment to building and establishing trade union networks and Global Framework Agreements (GFAs) was reaffirmed at the thematic conference on these issues held upon invitation of IG Metall on 17-18 October in Frankfurt, with over 120 participants from 30 countries, from all regions and all industrial sectors.

Germany’s IG BCE and chemical employers call for just transition

27 September, 2012IndustriALL’s German affiliate IG BCE has issued a joint policy paper with employer associations regarding the effects of the energy transition in Germany on the chemicals industry.


27 September, 2012IndustriALL affiliate actions to STOP precarious Work

German brand KIK sourcing from Pakistan factory

19 September, 2012The high price of cheap jeans was uncovered in Pakistan on 17 September, with confirmation that the low-cost German brand KIK sourced garments from Ali Enterprises, which burnt down killing almost 300 people.

Siemens GFA put to early test in the US

28 August, 2012The new Global Framework Agreement (GFA) with electronics multinational Siemens is being put to the test in a USW organizing drive at a plant in Maryland, USA. Join the LabourStart campaign to support workers threatened by company-hired union busters ahead of a 6 September vote.

Dismissed workers at Texim in Turkey struggle for basic rights

9 August, 2012Thirty-five members of IndustriALL Global Union’s Turkish affiliate TEKSIF struggle for their basic trade union rights at Texim that produces for major brands such as Hugo Boss, Mayline, Escada, Bogner, Falke, Marc Cain, Roy Robson, Pierre Cardin, Park Bravo.

IndustriALL signs GFA with Siemens

31 July, 2012Siemens, it’s General Works Council, IG Metall and IndustriALL Global Union signed a Global Framework Agreement on principles of social responsibility in Frankfurt on 25 July 2012.