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Showing 81-90 of 140 results

CSR - Colombian Sponsorship Ruse?

11 June, 2014The Canadian oil giant Pacific Rubiales Energy is renowned in Colombia for its exploitative practices towards workers, indigenous communities, the environment and the economy. In an attempt to whitewash its image the company is now sponsoring the Colombian World Cup team.

PROFILE: Colombian mining and energy trade unions make progress towards unity

21 May, 2014Killings, detentions and persecution of trade unionists as well as abuse of labour rights and outsourcing are all challenges faced by three of IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliates in the energy and mining sectors in Colombia. Believing in strength by numbers, the three trade unions have now embarked on a journey towards unity.

Unity and solidarity with Colombian trade unions!

8 May, 2014IndustriALL Global Union’s First Latin America Regional Conference, held in Bogota, Colombia, on 4-8 May, took several initiatives in solidarity with Colombian trade unions, whose work is impeded by the systematic violation of trade union rights.

Workers rally in support of Rubén Darío Montoya Obando

17 March, 2014On 14 March workers of Tenaris – Tubos Caribe demonstrated in front of the plant and marched to the centre of Cartagena. The goal of the protest was to denounce the lack of action by Tenaris – Tubos Caribe and the private insurance company to solve Rubén Darío Montoya Obando's situation.

Act now for Rubén Darío Montoya Obando!

7 March, 2014Rubén Darío Montoya Obando has been on a hunger strike since February, protesting against Tenaris – Tubos Caribe’s, his former employer, refusal to pay compensation for a serious work place accident he suffered in 2002.

Victory! USO leaders released in Colombia

25 February, 2014After 75 days in detention, leaders of the oil workers’ union, the Union Sindical Obrera (USO), a Colombian affiliate of IndustriALL Global Union, were released on 18 and 19 February. This was a victory for the trade union movement.

We demand guarantees for USO’s trade union activities in Colombia

20 December, 2013The Coordinating Committee for Unity in the Mining and Energy Sector (Coordinadora para la Unidad del Sector Minero Energético, CUSME) is calling for the government to guarantee that the oil workers’ union (Unión Sindical Obrera, USO) will be able to carry out its trade union activities free from interference; release detained workers; withdraw arrest warrants; and close the files on 39 legal cases brought against USO members, 34 of which concern protests by workers and the community in the Pacific Rubiales “Banana Republic” in Meta.

Three trade union leaders detained in Colombia

12 December, 2013On 4 December, Campo Elías Ortiz, a Colombian trade union, social and political activist as well as member of Unión Sindical Obrera (USO), was arrested. Merely a few hours later, two more members of USO, Jose Dilio Naranjo and Héctor Sánchez, were also detained. All three are employed by Pacific Rubiales, in the department of Meta.

President of the CUT in Caldas, Colombia, escapes attempt on his life

20 November, 2013IndustriALL Global Union condemns the attack on Óscar Arturo Orozco, president of the Caldas branch of the union central CUT and the electrical workers’ union SINTRAELECOL and calls on its affiliates to take solidarity action.

Persecution of trade unions continues in Colombia: USO leader detained

14 November, 2013Darío Cárdenas Pachón, vice-president of the oil workers’ union, Union Sindical Obrera (USO) in Villavicencio, in the department of Meta, Colombia, was detained in the department on 2 November in response to a court order issued by the first criminal court, which accuses him, without foundation, of obstruction of the public highway, damage to natural resources and aggravated damage to private property.