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Showing 81-90 of 632 results

Difficult circumstances - IndustriALL meets with family of unfairly jailed unionist in Madagascar

15 December, 2022In August, Sento Chang was sentenced to 12 months in prison after taking to social media to share discussions the union had with the employer. On 9 December, an IndustriALL delegation met with his family, speaking to his parents-in-law about the very difficult circumstances the family is now finding itself in.

NXP Thailand must reinstate sacked workers

13 December, 2022NXP Manufacturing in Thailand, who counts Apple and Bosch among its clients, has fired 13 union leaders under the pretext of falsifying congress documents and refuse to go back on their union busting.

Myanmar military arson attack leaves garment workers homeless

8 December, 2022The escalation of Myanmar junta’s military attacks in the Salingyi township has rendered scores of garment workers homeless. According to several news sources, the Myanmar junta torched houses in nine villages in the Salingyi township, Sagaing region, in early December. More than 40 houses of Industrial Workers' Federation of Myanmar members were burned down. 

Belarus must respect human rights

8 December, 2022This year, the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to a jailed human rights defender from Belarus, a country that has violated a number of core fundamental rights and freedoms for decades.

Stand with imprisoned trade unionists on Human Rights Day

7 December, 2022The right to freedom of association is one of the ILO’s fundamental principles and rights at work, and yet right now there are too many people around the world in prison for joining or being active in a union.

Two factory fires in India in less than a week

9 November, 2022Within a week, two massive fires broke out in footwear manufacturing factories in Delhi, killing two workers and injuring 18. Lack of workplace safety continues to be a threat to workers.

IndustriALL Asia Pacific committee stands firmly with struggling workers

3 November, 2022IndustriALL Asia Pacific executive committee met on 28 October, ahead of the global executive committee meeting later this month. Trade union actions to advance workers’ rights in light of the current wage crisis coupled with an increasing attack on democracy and fundamental rights in the region, were key points of discussion.

Discussion begins on responsible exit from Myanmar

2 November, 2022IndustriALL Global Union has begun discussions with garment brands on a responsible exit from Myanmar, due to the deteriorating human rights situation and the impossibility of doing due diligence.

Caterpillar network on a mission to build global solidarity

21 October, 2022On 19 October, the Caterpillar global union network met online. The US giant has a history of anti-union, anti-worker, and anti-dialogue behaviour at its operations worldwide.

We mourn the killed Turkish miners

15 October, 2022An explosion in a coal mine in Amasra, Turkey, on 14 October, has killed 41 miners. IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll Europe are outraged and saddened by the avoidable accident and send their condolences to the families of the victims.