Support Iraqi oil workers struggling for union rights - sign up to the LabourStart campaign 16 June, 2012IndustriALL Global Union members can show solidarity with oil workers in Iraq who continue to organise for their rights despite the continuing use against them of a vicious anti-trade union law, held over from the Saddam-era.
Colombian glass workers fight union-busting16 June, 2012Affiliates of IndustriALL Global Union have been asked to act at a critical moment for our glass worker affiliate in Colombia, Sintravidricol, they've been asked to write to the US-based glass packaging manufacturer Owens Illinois to protest their union-busting at the Cogua Cundimarca plant, the largest in Colombia.
Annual survey of violations of trade union rights released16 June, 2012Report finds that in 2011, at least 76 workers died directly as a result of their trade union activities - in addition to those killed during the repression of the Arab Spring protests.