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Showing 71-80 of 99 results

More than 50 Ukrainian miners on hunger strike

9 November, 2016Miners at the state-owned mine No. 10 Novovolynska in Ukraine have been on hunger strike since 7 November. Miners are demanding payment of three months’ salaries they are owed.

Ukrainian coal miners desperate over unpaid wages

11 August, 2016ITUC and IndustriALL intervene as mine worker sets himself on fire after being driven to despair by the authorities’ indifference about unpaid wages.

Ukraine: 50,000 rally against utility tariffs increase

8 July, 2016Over 50,000 trade union members and workers from all over Ukraine rallied in Kiev on 6 July protesting against the sharp increase in utility tariffs. 

Nuclear unions commemorate 30th anniversary of Chernobyl disaster

28 April, 2016IndustriALL Global Union and its affiliate, the Nuclear Power and Industry Workers Union of Ukraine, held the International Nuclear Workers’ Union Network (INWUN) meeting in Kiev, Ukraine to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the tragedy at Chernobyl.

Chernobyl workers also needed Just Transition

25 April, 2016As we commemorate the Chernobyl nuclear disaster 30 years ago, we remember all the deaths and illnesses caused by radiation, but also those thousands of workers who needed Just Transition as the power plant closed down.

Ukrainian coal miners demand industry support

18 March, 2016Around 500 coal miners from all over Ukraine gathered in Kiev on 17 March and picketed the parliament building demanding it adopt two draft laws to settle some pressing socio-economical issues of the Ukrainian coal mining industry. 

Ukrainian coal miners protest across the country

18 December, 2015On 10 December, Human Rights Day, IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the Independent Trade Union of Coal Miners of Ukraine, mobilized its members across the country to demand unpaid wages, state support for coal mining enterprises, and safe working conditions.

Ukraine: Law reform threatens workers and trade union rights

15 September, 2015A recent legislative initiative in Ukraine could lead to a drastic reduction the creation of free and democratic trade unions in the country.

IndustriALL in the CIS region - unified front against attacks on workers' rights

7 September, 2015IndustriALL has 50 affiliates in the CIS region. In a region torn by political conflicts and attacks on workers’ rights, working together is the key to successful trade unions. Unity was a central theme to the discussions at IndustriALL’s sub-regional meeting in Moldova on 3 – 4 September.  

Ukraine – international solidarity puts the break on interrogations

23 June, 2015Interrogations by Ukrainian security services of union leaders and activists have been stopped following international union pressure, said IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the Independent Trade Union of Miners of Ukraine (NPGU) today.