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Showing 71-80 of 113 results

Myanmar union calls for paid stay-at-home leave

30 March, 2020Industrial Workers Federation of Myanmar (IWFM) is calling on employers to accept a one-month shutdown of factories to help prevent an outbreak of the corona virus, while workers are paid the minimum wage.

Strengthening health and safety in Myanmar’s mines

16 March, 2020Health and safety is a constant worry among miners in Myanmar. Mining Workers Federation of Myanmar (MWFM), the IndustriALL Global Union affiliate representing 7,500 miners in the country, is calling on the government and employers to improve health and safety, like ensuring emergency exits, clean drinking water and fire extinguishers at the worksites.

Workers in Cambodia and Myanmar hit hard by Coronavirus fall-out

12 March, 2020The global outbreak of the Coronavirus is slowing down the economy and eliminating thousands of jobs in the global supply chain in South East Asia. Cambodia and Myanmar are among the most affected countries in the region.

Myanmar unions protest against Arbitration Council decision

5 February, 2020The Industrial Workers’ Federation of Myanmar (IWFM) held a mass demonstration on 2 February in Yangon to protest against an Arbitration Council decision that denied full reinstatement to 260 workers of Thong Thai Textile factory who were fired for taking strike action.

Garment workers, suppliers and ACT brands agree on Freedom of Association Guideline

15 November, 2019After eight months of negotiations, factories producing for ACT brands in Myanmar have agreed on a Myanmar Freedom of Association (FoA) Guideline with IndustriALL affiliate Industrial Workers’ Federation of Myanmar (IWFM).

Adidas, get off the sidelines!

1 November, 2019On 29 October, demonstrators in New York City called on major sports brand Adidas to join ACT, the global initiative on living wages. By refusing to join ACT, Adidas is effectively standing in the way of progress towards  a living wage for garment workers.

Mass protest in Myanmar calling for enforced labour law

30 August, 2019Thousands of workers from 50 factories demonstrated in the morning of 29 August, demanding that the newly revised law on settlement of labour disputes be implemented.

Textile and garment unions in South East Asia build networks

15 July, 2019Trade union leaders from IndustriALL Global Union affiliates in seven countries in South East Asia resolved to build networks and increase organizing in the textile and garment sector despite threats and harassment.

Myanmar unions call on brands to join ACT in fight for living wage

8 July, 2019IndustriALL’s Myanmar affiliates are committed to continue the fight for a living wage through building union power and industry wide collective bargaining, and called on global brands and retailers to support the ACT initiative.

Myanmar must reform labour laws to end union busting

7 June, 2019Twenty-five unionists from the Industrial Workers Federation of Myanmar (IWFM) and the Mining Workers Federation of Myanmar (MWFM) converged in Yangon on 17-18 May 2019 for a mid-term meeting of the union building project.