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Showing 71-80 of 207 results

French cosmetics brand Yves Rocher dismisses union members

18 May, 2018UPDATE 18 May: YVES ROCHER DISMISSES 115 UNION MEMBERS. Since the publication of the article on the 16th of May, the situation in Turkey has gravely deteriorated. The local management of Yves Rocher continues to dismiss union members. As of 18 May, the number of dismissed workers has reached 115.

IndustriALL files complaint against Roy Robson as union busting continues

24 April, 2018Despite a global campaign against union busting, German fashion brand Roy Robson has escalated its attacks on IndustriALL Global Union affiliate Teksif at its factory in Izmir, Turkey. IndustriALL has filed a complaint against the company to the German Partnership for Sustainable Textiles for violation of ILO Conventions 87 and 98.

Turkey: unions unite to demand living wage in textile and garment sector

11 April, 2018Textile, garment and leather sector unions in Turkey pledged their support to the ground-breaking worldwide initiative ACT (Action, Collaboration, Transformation), led by IndustriALL Global Union and brands and retailers to achieve living wages in the sector.

Sponsor of Bundesliga teams fires union members

1 March, 2018German clothing company Roy Robson has fired eleven union members from its factory in Izmir, Turkey.

Unity, resistance and determination bring great victory to Turkish metalworkers

30 January, 2018Despite their strike being banned by the government, Turkish metalworkers have won a wage increase of almost 25 per cent as part of a new collective agreement.

Turkey: Metal industry strike banned by the Government

26 January, 2018Is the right to strike still in place in Turkey? The answer is clearly NO. A strike of 130,000 workers at 179 workplaces across the metal sector in Turkey, including all major multinational companies, scheduled to begin on 2 February 2018, has been banned by the Government on the grounds of being “prejudicial to national security”.

Turkey: 130,000 metalworkers determined to strike

17 January, 2018After unions rejected the employers’ final offer, Turkish metalworkers are preparing to strike in around 180 workplaces, including major multinational companies such as Renault, Bosch, Fiat.

Determined Posco Assan workers stand up for their rights

27 December, 2017Workers at Posco Assan in Turkey, together with leaders of IndustriALL’s affiliate Birlesik Metal-Is, were detained on 26 December. They had started a march to demand that the Ministry of Labour issue a legal certificate that the union had already waited 42 days for, contrary to the usual practice of a couple of days.

Global solidarity grows as Posco Assan fires 80 union members in Turkey

6 December, 2017Korean metalworkers send solidarity as Posco Assan fires 80 union members at its steel plant in Kocaeli, Turkey.

Turkey: Workers fired from Posco Assan steel plant for joining union

17 November, 2017Forty members of Birleşik Metal-İş have been dismissed from the Posco Assan steel plant in Kocaeli, Turkey, for joining the union.