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Showing 71-80 of 5744 results

Forging a robust safety and health movement in South East Asia

21 June, 2024Developing a strategic and coordinated action plan aimed at leveraging the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) framework to improve health and safety conditions at workplaces and enhance union power in South East Asia was a pivotal item on the agenda at an OSH online workshop held on 19 June with 60 trade union representatives from Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Thailand and the Philippines. 

UKRAINE: I witnessed resilience in the face of conflict

20 June, 2024I recently visited Ukraine and, while I didn't witness much of the devastation firsthand, my meetings with our affiliates and discussions about the abhorrent consequences of the Russian invasion revealed a stark reality. Over 6 million Ukrainians have fled the country, with hopes that most will one day return. Inside Ukraine, nearly 6 million people are displaced, seeking safety within their own borders.

The fight for ratification of C190 must continue

20 June, 2024June marks five years since the adoption of the International Labour Organization’s Convention (ILO C190) to end violence and harassment in the workplace. This landmark Convention presents a significant opportunity for unions to advance their fight against gender-based violence, and IndustriALL and its affiliates are campaigning vigorously for its ratification.

On the path for a just transition for textile and garment workers

20 June, 2024The textile and garment industry, an important sector employing more than 400 million people globally, faces significant changes due to climate change and the twin green and digital transitions. The challenges facing textile workers and what is needed to ensure a just transition amid these shifts was the topic of a webinar hosted by IndustriALL Global Union, the ITUC Just Transition Centre and IndustriAll Europe on 18 June.

Tackling LGBTI rights amidst rising backlash

20 June, 2024Despite significant strides towards equality in the labour movement, LGBTI+ rights are under attack by resurging regressive political forces. A webinar hosted by the Council of Global Unions LGBTI coordinating committee on 26 June is a clear call to defend the indispensable rights of association, assembly, and expression—fundamental to both labour and LGBTI+ movements.

Unions in Sri Lanka call for social dialogue on controversial bill

19 June, 2024Amid Sri Lanka’s worst economic crisis since 2022, the government has introduced an economic transformation bill to ‘foster economic growth’. However, the bill, which provides for a new mechanism with power to relax legal restrictions on privatizing public-owned companies and hand over public resources to investors, is expected to adversely impact more than twelve million people in the country and render the Department of Labour ineffective.

Unions in Argentina condemn reform bill with major impact on workers

19 June, 2024Unions in Argentina condemn the Senate’s passing of the reform bill, which they say will undermine sovereignty, roll back labour rights and leave future generations without prospects.

Organizing electronics workers along the entire supply chain

17 June, 2024IndustriALL Global Union ICT electrical and electronics steering committee pledges to double organizing efforts to defend workers' rights in the sector. The delegates from twelve countries met on 10-11 June in Kuala Lumpur to debate sectoral activities, focusing on organizing, increasing union density and improving collective bargaining rights. Delegates confirmed their unions’ continued focus to reach out to women, youth, white collar workers and organize them throughout the entire supply chain.

Indian electronics workers unite amid industry challenges

17 June, 2024In India’s tech hub, Bangalore, union representatives from the electronics sector met for a workshop on organizing and union building in the ICT, electrical, and electronics sector. The event aimed to empower workers and strengthen unions across India's electronics supply chain.

Strike for fair working conditions at ArcelorMittal in Mexico

17 June, 2024The National Miners’ Union of Mexico (Los Mineros) are on strike at the ArcelorMittal plant in Lázaro Cárdenas Michoacán, demanding fair and dignified working conditions.