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Showing 71-80 of 703 results

Malagasy trade unionist seeks justice

13 July, 2023Malagasy trade unionist, Zotiakobanjinina Fanja Marcel Sento Chang (26), vividly recalls the events leading to his unjust imprisonment for nine months for a social media post about discussions during a meeting with management at the E-Toile SA garment factory in Antananarivo where he worked as a machinist. 

MADE in Myanmar Project - EU must stop supporting military junta’s rule

11 July, 2023IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll Europe are reiterating their call for the EU to withdraw support for the MADE in Myanmar project, which effectively funds Myanmar’s military junta, as well for the withdrawal preferential tariffs under the Generalised System of Preferences. EU citizens and public funds should not be used to benefit the military junta, nor should they be associated with an EU-funded project where workers are threatened, dismissed or arrested without cause. Read the full statement.

Bangladesh is one of the world’s worst countries for workers

5 July, 2023The recently published ITUC Global Rights Index 2023, which ranks countries based on the status of workers’ rights, reveals a grim picture of the situation for workers in South Asian countries. While Nepal and Sri Lanka witness regular and systematic violations of workers’ rights respectively, Bangladesh has been ranked as one of the worst countries in the world for workers.

Mid-Term Policy Conference lays down strategic goals for a just future

29 June, 2023A colourful background displaying building blocks to close the growing inequality gap set the scene for discussions on current and future challenges and strategic priorities when 600 representatives from 179 unions in 64 countries met for the IndustriALL Mid-Term Policy Conference on 20-22 June.

Unionists demand all charges against jailed Belarusian trade union leaders be dropped

15 June, 2023Today global unions, trade union activists and delegates in attendance at the 111th International Labour Conference (ILC) in Geneva gathered at the Broken Chair to call for the immediate release of imprisoned Belarusian trade unionists and an end to the repression of workers’ rights.

Human rights due diligence is key to protecting workers

14 June, 2023Human rights due diligence is essential for protecting and promoting workers' rights. It requires companies take real steps to identify, prevent, and address any adverse human rights impacts resulting from their operations. 

European law on due diligence is a step in the right direction, but EU must do better

2 June, 2023On 1 June, the European Parliament adopted its position on a future EU Directive on human rights and environmental due diligence. After a shy European Commission’s proposal and a worryingly weak EU Council’s mandate, expectations were high on MEPs to make history towards genuine corporate accountability. The progressive approach ultimately won, but serious loopholes remain to be fixed.

Glencore continues to put profits before people

1 June, 2023A delegation of trade union representatives, NGOs, indigenous and impacted communities from Australia, Canada, Colombia, Spain, Peru, the UK and Switzerland attended Glencore’s annual general meeting (AGM) in Zug, Switzerland on 26 May, to demand answers from the company board on the company’s blatant lack of willingness to address serious environmental, social and governance issues across its global operations and its aversion to dialogue.

The role of the ILO

31 May, 2023The mission of the International Labour Organization (ILO) is to promote social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights, based on the founding principle that social justice is essential to universal and lasting peace.

United Nations instruments

31 May, 2023The special procedures of the Human Rights Council are independent human rights experts with mandates to report and ad