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Showing 71-80 of 129 results

Mass rally in support of effective labour inspectorate in Georgia

18 May, 2017Trade union activists and students held a protest rally in Georgia during the day of public hearings about amendments to the Constitution. Despite pressure from the police, protesters defended their position and demanded that government take health and safety under strict control and establish an effective labour inspectorate.

Georgian union calls for effective labour inspection after deadly accident

15 May, 2017Four workers lost their lives on 9 May, at the Tkibuli Elizbar Mindeli mine in Georgia while repairing a lift. IndustriALL affiliate Trade Union of Metallurgy, Mining and Chemical Industry Workers of Georgia (TUMMCIWG), states that it is the worst industrial accident since 2010 and insists on the creation of an effective system of state labour inspections.

IndustriALL urges Iran to improve safety as 35 miners die

6 May, 2017IndustriALL Global Union has written a letter of solidarity to the President of Iran urging the government to improve safety in Iranian mines after at least 35 miners were killed and scores injured in a coal mine explosion on 3 May.

IndustriALL and London Mining Network demonstrate at Anglo American AGM

4 May, 2017Anglo American’s shareholders were met by demonstrations outside the venue of its annual general meeting (AGM) at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in London on 24 April. 

First regional mining workshop held in Morocco

21 February, 2017The first Middle East and North Africa regional mining workshop was held on 30 November and 1 December 2016 in Casablanca, Morocco.

Pakistan: Two coal miners killed and one seriously injured

13 February, 2017Two miners were killed and another seriously injured in an accident at a coal mine in the Mahi Toor Ghar area of Harnai Baluchistan province on 5 February.

Guinea ratifies ILO Convention C176 on mine safety

5 January, 2017West African nation, Guinea, has ratified the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention 176 on safety and health in mines, following campaigning by IndustriALL Global Union trade union affiliates.

Death toll rises to 18 at Indian coal mine collapse

4 January, 2017The number of miners killed in a coal mine collapse in the Jharkhand state of India has risen to 18, with many miners still missing. 

IndustriALL calls for urgent ILO action on deadly Chinese coal mines

6 December, 2016IndustriALL Global Union has written to the International Labour Organization (ILO) urging it to intervene to improve safety in Chinese coal mines, following the deaths of 86 coal miners in a matter of weeks. 

Turkey: Six miners dead, ten still trapped in landslide

22 November, 2016Six miners have been killed and a further ten are missing following a landslide at an opencast copper mine in South Eastern Turkey.