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Showing 71-80 of 389 results

A stronger commitment is needed for binding UN treaty

9 November, 2021At the end of last month, the 7th round of discussions on the UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights took place in Geneva. IndustriALL, together with the ITUC and other global unions, are calling on all governments to step up and fully support negotiations which will continue next year.

John Deere global union network discusses future of social dialogue

8 November, 2021On 2 November, 30 trade union representatives from John Deere operations in Europe, Brazil and the US met online to discuss the economic and collective bargaining situation in the company worldwide and develop joint strategies for future social dialog with the company. Participants were eager to hear the latest news regarding the CBA conflict and strike movement in the USA in general, but at Deere in specific.

Confronting global capital in the garment industry

27 October, 2021140 unionists met online on 20-21 October to discuss the implementation of a global supply chain strategy and growing and strengthening union membership in an industry where the garment workers often find themselves at the bottom of the value chain.

Negotiations on binding treaty on business and human rights

27 October, 2021This week, discussions on the UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights continue in Geneva. This is the 7th round, moving towards an instrument that will make companies legally liable for human rights violations in their supply chains.

TK Elevator - social dialogue benefits both union and company

27 October, 2021Around 50 trade unionists from TK Elevator’s operations around the world met online on 25-26 October to discuss how to improve social dialogue on the global level.

Myanmar: Trade unions call for immediate withdrawal of EU trade preferences in light of labour and human rights abuses

26 October, 2021IndustriALL Global Union and IndustriAll European Trade Union are demanding urgent EU action in response to the horrendous human rights abuses against workers, human rights defenders, and trade unionists in Myanmar. Trade unions insist that the EU immediately revokes Myanmar’s trade preferences under the EU’s Everything But Arms (EBA) arrangement.

Thai lingerie workers call on government to take action against Victoria’s Secret supplier

14 October, 2021The Confederation of Industrial Labour of Thailand (CILT) is calling on the Thai Prime Minister to take legal action against Victoria's Secret supplier Brilliant Alliance Thai Global Ltd. (BAT), which owes 1,388 workers unpaid wages and severance pay for seven months, and to assume responsibility for the money owed to workers.

ILO Meeting of Experts adopts first-ever Code of Practice for textile and garment industry

13 October, 2021After a week of negotiations between governments, employers and trade unions, more than 60 million workers in the textile and garment industry around the world will now benefit from a new code of practice with concrete guidance on improving health and safety.

Organizing along the battery supply chain

12 July, 2021Given the workers rights' violations and a low union density, coupled with an expected increase in battery demand in the next ten years, IndustriALL and affiliates have started developing a strategy for workers along the supply chain.

Unions at ArcelorMittal continue calling for genuine dialogue

1 July, 2021The ArcelorMittal global union network brought together 90 leaders  from around 30 trade unions in 15 different countries in an online meeting on 29-30 June, to discuss challenges, in particularly increasing workplace accidents and social dialogue at all levels.