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Showing 661-670 of 688 results

US Nissan workers seek fair union election

26 November, 2012Launched at the LabourStart conference in Sydney on 26 November, 3,000 workers at Nissan’s assembly plant in Canton, Mississippi, USA are campaigning for a fair union election and an end to Nissan’s fear and intimidation tactics.

Chilean workers discuss new trade union structure

8 November, 2012A further step is made towards building a new unifying trade union structure for stronger collective bargaining in Chile.

MUZ leaders commit to union rebuilding

6 November, 2012In order to assist in rebuilding union membership, IndustriALL held an organizing and collective bargaining workshop with the Mineworkers Union of Zambia (MUZ).

USW ratifies integration agreement with IP

25 October, 2012The United Steelworkers (USW) announced workers ratified an agreement about the integration of 1,400 workers at 18 former Temple Inland box plants into the union’s master economic agreement with International Paper (IP).

Membership audit at AngloGold vindicates Tanzanian union

25 October, 2012A membership audit by Ernst & Young proves that Tanzania Mines, Energy, Construction and Allied Workers Union (Tamico) has majority for recognition at Geita Gold Mine ending a 7 year battle with AngloGold Ashanti.

Indonesian union secures overtime pay

24 October, 2012The union Esa Kertas Nusantara (SPEKN) reached a collective agreement with a paper company on 19 October securing two years of backdated overtime wages worth approximately Rp. 11,000,000 (around USD 1,200) per worker, payable on 31 October 2012.

New union in Canada takes shape

17 October, 2012Two unions in Canada, CEP and CAW, are planning to join their forces and create the largest new union in the private sector of Canada, representing the collective interests of 300,000 workers in 22 economic sectors.

Long struggle brings lasting compensation to families of shipbreaking workers in Alang

11 October, 2012A three-year struggle by IndustriALL and its affiliates in India results in families of deceased shipbreaking workers receiving compensation and the further strengthening of the union in the shipbreaking yards in Alang.

Each one, teach one!

27 September, 2012A four-day workshop for organizers and activists from the auto sector was held in St Petersburg, Russia, from 14 to 17 September.

Gerdau continues firing workers in Colombia

27 September, 2012Sintrametal and the Gerdau Workers’ World Council met with ministers and members of the government last week.