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Showing 651-660 of 703 results

ILO issues recommendations to Russia and Belarus

22 November, 2012The International Labour Organization's Committee on Freedom of Association issued recommendations to Russia and Belarus on cases 2758 and 2090 initiated on the basis of complaints submitted by national unions with the support of IndustriALL Global Union.

Mexican glass workers still fighting

20 November, 2012IndustriALL’s Mexican glass worker affiliate, SUTEIVP, is now in its fifth year of struggle for the right to organize and bargain collectively at the plant producing glass bottles for Corona beer in Potosí, northern Mexico.

Disastrous labour reform passed in Mexico

20 November, 2012The anti-worker labour legislation reform in Mexico was passed on 13 November under the neoliberal lie that greater flexibility for employers to sack workers will create jobs and improve the economy.

Sanction of the Xstrata Glencore merger challenged

15 November, 2012The proposed merger between giants Glencore and Xstrata goes to a shareholder vote on 20 November, as processes continue assessing the monopolistic concerns the merger brings.

IndustriALL seeks action on Government of Fiji’s rights abuses

13 November, 2012The Fijian military regime has been challenged by the international trade union movement to end its elimination of internationally recognized workers’ rights.

London rail workers pledge support to Kazakh oil workers

9 November, 2012London underground rail workers joined the international campaign in support of oil workers under state repression in Kazakhstan.

IndustriALL-LabourStart-Amnesty International-PRODESC join forces for Mexican miners

8 November, 2012Under a joint banner of IndustriALL, LabourStart, Amnesty International, and Mexican NGO PRODESC, an online petition was launched yesterday decrying the forceful demolition of a workers’ protest camp at Excellon’s La Platosa mine, Mexico.

Violent eviction at La Platosa mine in Mexico

1 November, 2012Workers and community landowners supporting the Section 309 of the National Miners’ Union had set up a protest camp for the last three months outside the La Platosa mine entrance to demand freedom of association. The union is demanding an end to company violence and a solution to the dispute.

Dismissals continue at Honda Mexico as STUHM fights for workers’ rights

18 October, 2012The Sindicato de Trabajadores Unidos de Honda Mexico (STUHM) is claiming the right (known as titularidad) to negotiate a collective agreement with the company on the grounds that it represents a majority of Honda workers. It is also demanding an end to the persecution of its leaders and the reinstatement of dismissed workers.

Colombian oil workers’ union under increasing pressure

18 October, 2012IndustriALL Global Union firmly condemns the death threats addressed to representatives of Unión Sindical Obrera (USO) and the acts of repression and intimidation recently perpetrated in Colombia by security and intelligence forces, despite a new government order for negotiations.