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Showing 641-650 of 703 results

International trade unions warn Fiji military regime

14 January, 2013The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) called for international condemnation of Commodore Bainimarama’s rejection of Fiji’s draft Constitution and stated that Fiji’s military regime is posing a threat to democracy, rights and freedoms of all Fijians.

Hunger strike launched at PKC in Mexico

10 January, 2013Eleven members of the Mexican national union of mineworkers, Los Mineros, sacked by Finnish-based PKC before Christmas started a hunger strike on 8 January in protest of the union-busting.

Organizing campaign at DESA in Turkey continues

10 January, 2013IndustriALL continues to give full support to the organizing campaign of its Turkish affiliate Deri-Is at leather goods company DESA that produces for international brands.

Union recognized at Standard Profil in Turkey

10 January, 2013IndustriALL’s affiliate Petrol-İş gained legal recognition as the union representing workers at Standard Profil in Turkey at the end of December 2012 and has commenced collective negotiations after a four-year organizing campaign.

Colombian union USO reaches agreement

10 January, 2013The violent 4-month labour conflict between Unión Sindical Obrera de la Industria Petróleo (USO) and oil field services contractor Termotécnica ended in agreement on 22 December 2012.

UN human rights officials meet community landowners and workers in Excellon case

20 December, 2012At a meeting with UN human rights officials, community landowners and workers described how they had been evicted from their protest camp in Durango. They also said that Excellon violates human rights, has failed to comply with the lease it signed in 2008, and has threatened and harassed local people and workers.

USO leader murdered in Colombia

13 December, 2012Hours after the EU-Colombia Trade Agreement was signed, another cold-blooded assassination of a Colombian trade unionist occurred 11 December, murdered for his trade union activities inside a multinational company.

Excellon’s denials debunked

5 December, 2012IndustriALL Global Union challenges claims by the Canadian mining company Excellon that all is well at its operations in Durango in Mexico.

Egypt steps back on workers’ rights

4 December, 2012Egypt’s new draft Constitution will treat workers like criminals and bring unions under tight government control as they were under the Mubarak dictatorship.

Talks break down in Colombia

30 November, 2012On 24 November talks between Termotecnica Coindustrial and the Union Sindical Obrera de la Industria del Petróleo (USO) broke down in Colombia, giving way to further tensions on the ground.