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Showing 621-630 of 632 results

Dismissed workers at Texim in Turkey struggle for basic rights

9 August, 2012Thirty-five members of IndustriALL Global Union’s Turkish affiliate TEKSIF struggle for their basic trade union rights at Texim that produces for major brands such as Hugo Boss, Mayline, Escada, Bogner, Falke, Marc Cain, Roy Robson, Pierre Cardin, Park Bravo.

IER Nezavisnost of Serbia fight back at Kronospan

9 August, 2012IndustriALL’s Serbian affiliate IER Nezavisnost gets support of the global union in its struggle against union-busting at Austria-based manufacturer Kronospan.

Supervisor killed in a protest at Zambian Collum Mine

8 August, 2012A Chinese supervisor at Collum Coal Mine in Zambia was killed and another seriously wounded after being hit by a trolley pushed at them by workers on 4 August 2012. Workers were angry that the mining company had failed to raise wages in line with new minimums set by the Zambian government.

Metal workers in Turkey fight for union recognition

30 July, 2012IndustriALL Global Union supports Birlesik Metal-Is in its fight for union recognition at Ceha BüroMobilyalari, a metal furniture factory in the city of Kayseri, where the union organized a big majority of the 800 employees.

Demand reinstatement of union members at Togo Footwear in Turkey

26 July, 2012Act now and send a message to Togo Footwear demanding the reinstatement of 35 workers dismissed for joining Deri-Is (Leather Workers’ Union of Turkey).

Brands must support collective bargaining in collegiate supplier factory

24 July, 2012IndustriALL Global Union and the ITUC have sent a joint letter to Nike and Adidas calling on them to take immediate action to protect an extremely fragile industrial relations situation at Honduran supplier, Pinehurst Manufacturing.

ILO calls on Mexico for tripartite dialogue on Protection Contracts

9 July, 2012Recommendations put forward by the Committee on Freedom of Association and approved by the International Labour Organisations’ Governing Body in June call on the Mexican government to examine the issue of Protection Contracts.

Mexican mineworkers' leader blocked from attending Congress

18 June, 2012Napoleon Gomez, the elected leader of the Mexican mineworkers' union (Los Mineros) has been kept on the Interpol list by the Mexican government even though the Mexican courts have declared him innocent.

Support Iraqi oil workers struggling for union rights - sign up to the LabourStart campaign

16 June, 2012IndustriALL Global Union members can show solidarity with oil workers in Iraq who continue to organise for their rights despite the continuing use against them of a vicious anti-trade union law, held over from the Saddam-era.

Colombian glass workers fight union-busting

16 June, 2012Affiliates of IndustriALL Global Union have been asked to act at a critical moment for our glass worker affiliate in Colombia, Sintravidricol, they've been asked to write to the US-based glass packaging manufacturer Owens Illinois to protest their union-busting at the Cogua Cundimarca plant, the largest in Colombia.