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Showing 611-620 of 1745 results

Stronger collective agreements to resist Indonesia’s Omnibus law

5 March, 2021As Indonesia’s Omnibus law on job creation threatens to erode workers’ rights, unions have decided to strengthen the terms and conditions of collective agreements in order to protect their rights.

Union campaign leads to South Korea ratifying core ILO Conventions

5 March, 2021After decades of incessant union campaigning for international labour standards, South Korea has ratified ILO Conventions 87, 98 and 29.

Sintracarbón fights for 450 jobs at Cerrejón, Colombia

4 March, 2021Sintracarbón continues to fight for decent jobs and working conditions at Cerrejón, Colombia, while the company is putting pressure on 450 workers to accept voluntary retirement. If they don’t, the workers will be dismissed without just cause.

Zambian mineworkers protest delays in redundancy payments

4 March, 2021Hundreds of mineworkers from Konkola Copper Mine (KCM) took to the streets of Chingola in the Copperbelt on 2 March to protest the delayed payments of redundancy benefits by majority owner Vedanta Resources Limited.

IndustriALL, ITF and TUAC urge action on export credit to revive global economy

4 March, 2021Airline passenger demand fell 65 per cent in 2020 compared to the previous year and the demand for commercial aerospace products have also fallen dramatically. As a result, hundreds of thousands of workers in the sectors have been laid off.  Export credit agency support is critical for restoring employment levels.

Pulp and paper workers in Latin America fight for collective bargaining

2 March, 2021Unions and federations from Latin America's pulp and paper industry have agreed to fight together to safeguard their rights to collective bargaining and health and safety in the workplace, and to strengthen company-wide union networks.

Strike action in Philippines over illegal factory closure

2 March, 2021Twenty-five Philippine leather workers at Provision Garments Apparel’s (PGA) Manggahan branch are on strike over the illegal closure of the factory, demanding immediate reinstatement of all workers with back pay and that collective bargaining is resumed.

IndustriALL calls on the ILO and the EU to intervene in Belarus

2 March, 2021As the entire Belarusian independent union movement is under threat, a stronger involvement and intervention by the international community is urgently needed in Belarus.

Military in Myanmar cracking down on unions

26 February, 2021Twenty union leaders, the majority from IndustriALL affiliate IWFM, including the vice president, are on the military’s wanted list after peacefully protesting for their democratic rights.

IndustriALL and ASOS join forces for the recovery of the global garment industry

23 February, 2021IndustriALL and online fashion retailer ASOS are renewing their commitment to work together, alongside relevant global and national stakeholders, to support the economic and social recovery of the global garment industry through the Covid-19 crisis.